Cargo Features

custos-math = { version = "0.6.3", default-features = false, features = ["no-std", "static-api", "cpu", "stack", "opencl", "cuda", "realloc", "blas", "fastrand", "matrixmultiply"] }
default = opencl

The opencl feature is set by default whenever custos-math is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

no-std = stack

Enables no-std of custos ^0.6.3


Enables static-api of custos ^0.6.3

cpu cuda? opencl

Enables cpu of custos ^0.6.3

stack no-std?

Enables stack of custos ^0.6.3

opencl default = cpu

Enables opencl of custos ^0.6.3

Affects custos-math::opencl, ops::cl_to_cpu_lr, ops::cl_to_cpu_s, mse::mse_grad_cl, softmax::cl_softmax, raw_ops::opencl

cuda = cpu

Enables cuda of custos ^0.6.3

Affects custos-math::cuda, clip::cu_clip, transpose::CudaTranspose.transpose, raw_ops::cuda


Enables realloc of custos ^0.6.3


Enables blas of custos ^0.6.3

Features from optional dependencies

fastrand implicit feature

Enables fastrand ^1.8.0


A simple and fast random number generator

matrixmultiply implicit feature