#balance #cosmwasm #queries #address #native #cron-cat #cw20


Allows querying CosmWasm balances, helpful when making CronCat tasks with queries

6 releases (stable)

1.0.4 Sep 25, 2023
1.0.3 May 30, 2023
0.1.5 Apr 15, 2023

#2213 in Magic Beans

Used in 2 crates


1.5K SLoC

CronCats contract for balances queries

The contract can perform these queries:

Query Description
GetBalance Get native balance of the address
GetCw20Balance Get cw20 balance of the address
HasBalanceComparator Compare balance of the address to the given coin (either native or cw20)

This contract doesn't support Execute actions and it doesn't have any state.


~120K SLoC