1 unstable release
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.0 | Sep 19, 2016 |
#29 in #cql
CQL Protocol
A low level implementation of the CQL binary protocol for Rust.
Provides methods for serialization and parsing of request and response messages CQL implementations use to communicate.
In general the way to send a message to the server would be something like...
let startup = cql::requests::Startup {
cqlversion: cql::types::CqlVersion::V_3_0_0,
compression: cql::types::Compression::LZ4,
let mut body_buf = Vec::new();
let length = startup.serialize(&mut buf).unwrap();
let frame = cql::frame::Frame {
version: cql::frame::Version::RequestV3,
flags: cql::frame::flags::None,
stream: 0,
opcode: cql::frame::OpCode::Startup,
length: length
let mut header_buf = Vec::new();
frame.serialize(&mut header_buf);
Receiving a message works similiarly except you need to build up a buffer until parsing works in whole. The length required is given. Each frame header is 9 bytes and must be decoded first. The length of the message is given in the frame header.
match cql::response::Response::parse(input_buf) {
Err(err) => panic!(err), // do something smart here
Ok(result) => {
// result is a ParseResult and must be used to determine what is needed
match result {
Complete { message: message, consumed: consumed } => {
println!("got message {:?}, consumed {}", message, consumed);
Incomplete { required_size: Some(required) } => {
println!("buffer does not contain enough of the message, parsing knows it needs {} bytes", n);
Incomplete { required_size: None } => {
println!("buffer needs unknown more bytes, but keep feeding!");