Cargo Features

couchbase = { version = "1.0.0-alpha.4", default-features = false, features = ["libcouchbase", "libcouchbase-static", "uncomitted", "volatile"] }
default = libcouchbase

By default, the libcouchbase (C) backend is used. More will be available in the future

libcouchbase default = cc, couchbase-sys, crossbeam-channel

The libcouchbase C backend will be compiled and used


Libcouchbase will be built and linked statically

Enables link-static of couchbase-sys

uncomitted volatile?

If enabled, exposes all APIs currently marked as uncomitted

volatile = uncomitted

If enabled, exposes all APIs currently marked as volatile or uncomitted

Enables volatile of couchbase-sys

Affects api::Scope, options::KvStatsOptions, callbacks::stats_callback, encode::encode_kv_stats, request::KvStatsRequest

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality [may be removed in the future](

couchbase-sys libcouchbase libcouchbase-static? volatile?
crossbeam-channel libcouchbase

Enables crossbeam-channel ^0.4

cc build libcouchbase