Cargo Features

cosmwasm-vm = { version = "2.0.2", default-features = false, features = ["iterator", "staking", "stargate", "cranelift", "dhat-heap"] }
default = iterator, staking

These default features are set whenever cosmwasm-vm is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

iterator default

iterator allows us to iterate over all DB items in a given range this must be enabled to support cosmwasm contracts compiled with the 'iterator' feature optional as some merkle stores (like tries) don't support this given Ethereum 1.0, 2.0, Substrate, and other major projects use Tries we keep this optional, to allow possible future integration (or different Cosmos Backends)

Enables iterator of cosmwasm-std

Uses the path when built locally; uses the given version from when published

Affects backend::Storage.scan,, backend::Storage.next_value, backend::Storage.next_key, imports::do_db_scan, imports::do_db_next, imports::do_db_next_key, imports::do_db_next_value, memory::maybe_read_region

staking default

Enables staking of cosmwasm-std


this enables all stargate-related functionality, including the ibc entry points

Enables stargate of cosmwasm-std

Affects calls::call_ibc_channel_open, calls::call_ibc_channel_connect, calls::call_ibc_channel_close, calls::call_ibc_packet_receive, calls::call_ibc_packet_ack, calls::call_ibc_packet_timeout, calls::call_ibc_channel_open_raw, calls::call_ibc_channel_connect_raw, calls::call_ibc_channel_close_raw, calls::call_ibc_packet_receive_raw, calls::call_ibc_packet_ack_raw, calls::call_ibc_packet_timeout_raw, calls::ibc_channel_open, calls::ibc_channel_connect, calls::ibc_channel_close, calls::ibc_packet_receive


Use cranelift backend instead of singlepass. This is required for development on Windows.

Enables wasmer =4.2.6


For heap profiling. Only used in "memory" example.

Enables dhat

For heap profiling. Only used in "memory" example. This has to be a non-dev dependency because cargo currently does not support optional dev-dependencies.