Cargo Features

corundum = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false, features = ["verbose", "stat_log", "check_access_violation", "check_double_free", "use_clflushopt", "use_pspd", "no_flush_alloc", "no_dyn_borrow_checking", "no_pthread", "cbindings"] }
default = cbindings

The cbindings feature is set by default whenever corundum is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Affects buddy::debug_alloc, buddy::debug_dealloc, utils::VERBOSE

stat_footprint stat_perf stat_log
stat_print_flushes check_access_violation
check_allocator_cyclic_links check_double_free
pin_journals replace_with_log use_clflushopt
use_clwb use_ntstore use_msync use_pspd
use_vspd no_persist no_log_rc no_flush_alloc
no_flush_updates no_dyn_borrow_checking
cbindings default