#postgresql #distribution #image #base #core-db

yanked coredb-pg-base

Base image for CoreDB's distribution of postgres

3 releases

15.3.0-coredb-pg-base.3 Jun 13, 2023
15.3.0-coredb-pg-base.2 May 24, 2023
15.3.0-coredb-pg-base.1 May 23, 2023

#5 in #core-db


308 lines

Postgres Docker Base Image

Contains a Dockerfile with Postgres 15.3, no extensions and no additional tools.


The version of the Docker image can be configured in the Cargo.toml file in this directory. We may wrap postgres in our CoreDB distribution, but for the time being this crate is just a placeholder to allow for versioning.

No runtime deps