2 releases

new 0.1.1 Oct 22, 2024
0.1.0 Oct 21, 2024

#167 in Command line utilities

Download history 277/week @ 2024-10-17

277 downloads per month

MIT license

850 lines


Conze is a command-line tool that allows you to view holidays and long weekends, and compare holiday schedules between countries from your terminal.


  • List holidays for any supported country and year.
  • Compare holidays between different countries.
  • Explore holidays using subcommands like bridge for long weekends and calendar for holiday comparisons.
  • Configure a default country for convenience.


You can install conze using one of the following methods:

Using Cargo

If you have Rust's package manager, Cargo, installed, you can install conze with:

cargo install conze

Using Homebrew

For macOS users, you can install conze using Homebrew:

brew install k3ii/tap/conze

Check the release page to install the pre-built binaries.

Getting starrted

Configure Default Country

To begin, set the default country using the following command:

conze config --default-country MU

Currently, only the following countries are supported:

  • France (FR)
  • Mauritius (MU)
  • South Africa (ZA)

This project has been possible thanks to the dataset by Nicolas Strands. If you'd like support for another country, feel free to contribute to the dataset.

You can check the current default country by running:

conze config show

Examples of Commands

List Holidays

To list holidays for the current month and the default country:



You can also list holidays for a specific country and year:

conze list --country ZA --year 2025


Compare Holidays Between Countries

Compare holidays between countries (e.g., Mauritius and South Africa) for a specific month:

conze calendar --compare ZA --month 12


View possible long weekends

View long weekend for the current year and default country.

conze bridge 


To view long weekends for a different year and country:

conze bridge --country ZA --year 2025 

To view long weekends for a specific month and year in a different country:

conze bridge --country FR --month jan --year 2026 

Available Subcommands

  • list: Lists holidays for a specific country and year.
  • calendar: View and compare holidays between countries.
  • bridge: View possible long weekends (bridge holidays).
  • config: Configure the default country setting.
  • help: Show help information for all commands.


Contributions are welcome! To get involved:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Make your changes.
  • Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


~570K SLoC