#contiguous-memory #arena #contiguous #memory #allocation #memory-block


Efficient, reusable memory arena for Rust with support for contiguous memory blocks

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 7, 2025

#229 in Memory management


479 lines


contiguous-arena is a Rust crate that provides a memory-efficient, contiguous data structure for managing collections of homogeneously-typed elements. It is designed to handle frequent allocations and deallocations efficiently by reusing freed memory spans.

The library is designed to allow for allocation of contiguous elements, such that:

  1. Appending an arbitrary amount of elements will allocate them in a contiguous memory block (arena.append(T, count))
  2. The arena uses Vec<T> as the backing buffer, unlike most arena crates which bundle metadata together with the item. This crate uses 2 additional buffers to store the span metadata, which makes it easier to iterate the arena with crates like rayon or share it with the GPU, for example.


  • Memory-efficient storage by reusing freed spans.
  • Contiguous memory layout for improved cache performance, easier iteration and GPU memory sharing.
  • Support for arbitrary owned types. Note that the arena DOES NOT currently run drop()! (a PR would be appreciated)
  • Only depends on std. A PR adding #![no_std] support would be appreciated.

Be aware of memory fragmentation when using this library: frequest allocations of different sizes will eventually fragment the arena. This crate is ideal for use-cases where most allocations are about the same size.


use contiguous_arena::Arena;

fn main() {
    let mut arena: Arena<u8> = Arena::new();

    // Append elements to the arena
    let handle1 = arena.append(5, 10); // Append 10 elements of value 5
    let handle2 = arena.append(6, 10); // Append 10 elements of value 6

    // Access elements using handles
    assert_eq!(arena[handle1], 5);
    assert_eq!(arena[handle2], 6);

    // Free a span

    // Reuse freed span
    let handle3 = arena.append(7, 10); // This should reuse the space freed by handle1
    assert_eq!(handle1, handle3);
    assert_eq!(arena[handle3], 7);

Benchmarks and tests

To run tests, run cargo test. To run benchmarks, run cargo bench in the project directory. See benchmark results in target/criterion/report/index.html.

Benchmark results on an Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 with 2133 MHz DDR4 quad-channel RAM:

append 1 element        time:   [182.92 ns 191.00 ns 199.09 ns]
append 10 elements      time:   [166.67 ns 170.09 ns 174.47 ns]
append 100 elements     time:   [170.19 ns 174.47 ns 179.53 ns]
free 10 elements        time:   [248.43 ns 254.22 ns 260.94 ns]
free 100 elements       time:   [248.16 ns 251.57 ns 255.99 ns]
reuse span of 10 elements
                        time:   [245.90 ns 247.98 ns 250.80 ns]
reuse span of 100 elements
                        time:   [311.23 ns 323.52 ns 336.90 ns]        

(light travels about 30 meters in 100 nanoseconds)


The Unlicense (public domain)

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