#bit-fields #const #compile-time #structures #u32 #u16 #generate

nightly no-std const-bitfield

Macros for generating bitfield-like structures with const support

4 releases

0.2.2 Nov 29, 2022
0.2.1 Dec 28, 2021
0.2.0 Dec 27, 2021
0.1.0 Dec 27, 2021

#142 in No standard library


204 lines


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This crate provides a bitfield! macro for generating bitfield-like structures in Rust with support for compile-time evaluation using const. The following features are currently supported:

  • Support of u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 as backing storage types
  • Get and set single-bit values as bool
  • Get and set values as unsigned / signed integer types
  • Optional mapping of individual getter to any custom type using From trait
  • Optional mapping of individual setter from any custom type using From trait
  • Optional support for overlapping fields for union-like behavior
  • Overlapping of fields for union-like implementations
  • Compatibility with no_std
  • Usage of arbitrary attributes on struct and fields
  • Usage of arbitrary visibility modifiers on struct and fields

Unfortunately Rust Stable does not currently contain all required features for implementing this crate. To use of this library, you must use a recent Rust Nightly release and add the following feature flags to your crate root:

#![feature(const_convert)]      // optional, when using from/into conversion
#![feature(const_mut_refs)]     // always required
#![feature(const_trait_impl)]   // always required

Here is a simple example of how this library can be used:

#![feature(const_convert)] // optional, when using from/into conversion
#![feature(const_mut_refs)] // always required
#![feature(const_trait_impl)] // always required

use const_bitfield::bitfield;

bitfield! {
    #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    pub struct MyBitField(u32);
    u8, hello, set_hello: 6, 0;         // hello is stored in bits 0..=6
    bool, world, set_world: 7;          // world is stored in bit 7
    // bits 8..=15 are unused
    u16, goodbye, set_goodbye: 31, 16;   // goodbye is stored in bits 16..=31

fn example() {
    let mut bf = MyBitField(0);


    println!("{}", bf.hello());
    println!("{}", bf.world());
    println!("{}", bf.goodbye());

A more detailed example can be found within tests/bitfield_gdt.rs which uses the bitfield! macro to implement parsing and building entries of the x86 Global Descriptor Table.

You may wish to combine this crate with const-enum to directly map fields of your bitfield from and into enums with a repr type. To do so, simply use #[derive(ConstEnum)] along with e.g. repr(u8). This specific use case is also shown as part of the GDT example linked above.

Additional Credits

This crate is heavily inspired by dzamlo/rust-bitfield.

The API between these two crates is similar, but no compatibility is guaranteed. Unlike the other library, this one focuses on const-support to allow using it as a helper for complex data structures at compile-time without having an impact on runtime performance.


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