Cargo Features

concision-linear = { version = "0.1.14", default-features = false, features = ["full", "alloc", "approx", "blas", "rand", "serde", "serde-1", "tracing", "std", "wasm", "wasi"] }
default full? = std

The std feature is set by default whenever concision-linear is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full = approx, default, rand, serde, tracing

********* [FF] Dependencies *********

Enables alloc of concision-core

approx full?

Enables approx, approx of concision-core, approx-0_5 of ndarray


Enables blas of concision-core and ndarray


Enable blas usage
See README for more instructions

rand full?

Enables rand of concision-core and num

serde full? = serde-1

Enables serde of concision-core, serde of num and serde-1 of ndarray


Old name for the serde feature

serde-1 serde?

Enables serde

tracing full?

Enables tracing

std default

********* [FF] Environments *********

Enables std of concision-core, ndarray, num, optional serde, and strum


Enables wasm of concision-core


Enables wasi of concision-core