#image #operations #import-export #intermediate-layer


Combostew is an intermediate layer between the image crate and the 'sic' and 'stew' image tool front-ends

5 unstable releases

0.3.0 Jun 8, 2019
0.2.0 Apr 3, 2019
0.1.2 Mar 30, 2019
0.1.1 Mar 27, 2019
0.1.0 Mar 26, 2019

#38 in #import-export

32 downloads per month
Used in combostew_cli

MIT license



Combostew is an intermediate layer between the 'image' crate used as back-end by image tool cli front-ends sic and stew.

crates.io: Combostew


Some components could be split to separate crates, perhaps in a workspace, later on.

  • Import / export image
  • Image operations engine
    • Operations supported:
      • blur [u32]
      • brighten [i32]
      • contrast [f32]
      • convert
      • crop [u32] [u32] [u32] [u32]
      • filter3x3 [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32] [f32]
      • fliph
      • flipv
      • grayscale
      • huerotate [i32]
      • invert
      • resize [u32] [u32]
      • rotate90
      • rotate180
      • rotate270
      • unsharpen [f32] [i32]
    • Ability to set options or flags
  • Display of licenses of (third party) components used (will be moved)

Suggestions, Questions, Bugs

Feel free to open an issue 📬 if you have a suggestion, a question or found a bug =).

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~80K SLoC