Cargo Features

combine = { version = "4.6.7", default-features = false, features = ["mp4", "std", "alloc", "pin-project", "tokio-02", "tokio-03", "tokio", "futures-03", "regex"] }

End of dev-dependencies

default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever combine is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Run the mp4 benchmark, requires a mp4 file named small.mp4 in the benches directory

std default futures-03? tokio-02? tokio-03? = alloc, bytes

Enables std of memchr


The 'std' feature permits the memchr crate to use the standard library. This permits this crate to use runtime CPU feature detection to automatically accelerate searching via vector instructions. Without the standard library,
this automatic detection is not possible.

Affects error::StreamError.other, parser::EasyParser, stream::buf_reader, stream::easy, stream::read, stream::decoder

alloc std

Affects combinator::AnyPartialState, combinator::AnyPartialStateParser, combinator::any_partial_state, combinator::AnySendPartialState, combinator::AnySendPartialStateParser, combinator::any_send_partial_state, combinator::AnySendSyncPartialState, combinator::AnySendSyncPartialStateParser, combinator::any_send_sync_partial_state, parser::Parser.boxed, stream::buffered

pin-project futures-03? tokio-02? tokio-03? = pin-project-lite
tokio-02 = bytes_05, futures-core-03, pin-project, pin-project-lite, std, tokio-02-dep

Affects buf_reader::CombineRead

tokio-03 = futures-core-03, pin-project, pin-project-lite, std, tokio-03-dep

Affects buf_reader::CombineRead

tokio = futures-core-03, pin-project-lite, tokio-dep

Enables io of tokio-util

Affects buf_reader::CombineRead

futures-03 = futures-core-03, futures-io-03, pin-project, pin-project-lite, std

Affects buf_reader::CombineAsyncRead

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

regex implicit feature

Affects parser::regex

pin-project-lite futures-03? pin-project? tokio? tokio-02? tokio-03?

Affects buf_reader::CombineBuffer.advance_pin

tokio-02-dep tokio-02?

Enables tokio ^0.2.3

Future proofing so that tokio-0.3, tokio-0.1 etc can be supported

tokio-03-dep tokio-03?

Enables tokio ^0.3

tokio-dep tokio?

Enables tokio

tokio-util tokio?
futures-core-03 futures-03? tokio? tokio-02? tokio-03?

Enables futures-core

Affects combine::future_ext

futures-io-03 futures-03?

Enables futures-io

bytes_05 tokio-02?

Enables bytes ^0.5

bytes std