#temperature #color #rgb #values #calculate #testing #color-temperature


Simple functions to calculate color temperatures and RGB values

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Dec 6, 2017

#81 in #temperature

29 downloads per month

MIT/X11 license

94 lines


Simple functions to calculate color temperatures and RGB values.

extern crate colortemp;

let mut rgb = colortemp::temp_to_rgb(2000);
println!("{:?}", rgb);


A simple crate that calculates color temperatures

It implements an algorithm by Tanner Helland that calculates RGB values for specific color temperatures. It can also do the inverse by aproxmiation.

This crate includes unit tests to ensure functionality


Following are some simple examples of how to use this crate

extern crate colortemp;

let mut rgb = colortemp::temp_to_rgb(2000);
println!("{:?}", rgb);

The values generated by this crate can include uncertainty and might therefore not be suitable for scientific computing.

If you wish to change this, PR's are always welcome 😁

No runtime deps