4 releases (breaking)

0.4.0 Sep 8, 2023
0.3.0 Sep 8, 2023
0.2.0 Sep 7, 2023
0.1.0 Sep 6, 2023

#585 in Memory management




This crate provides an attribute to simplify closure captures.


use std::{rc::Rc, cell::Cell, cell::RefCell};

// Expects a 'static callback
fn use_callback<F: FnMut() + 'static>(mut callback: F) {

#[closure_attr::with_closure] // Enable use of #[closure(...)]
fn example() {
    let s = Rc::new(RefCell::new(String::new()));
    let i = Rc::new(Cell::new(0));

    // The callback captures clones of s and i
        #[closure(clone s, clone i)]
        move || {
            s.replace(format!("Hello, world! {}", i.get()));
            i.set(i.get() + 1);

    assert_eq!(s.borrow_mut().clone(), "Hello, world! 0");
    assert_eq!(i.get(), 1);


It expands to:

    let s = s.clone(); // Clone requested by attribute
    let i = i.clone(); // Clone requested by attribute
    move || {
        {... code to force whole captures ...}
        s.replace(format!("Hello, world! {}", i.get()));
        i.set(i.get() + 1);

Capture types

Syntax Description
clone <ident> Clone the variable
clone mut <ident> Clone the variable and make it mutable
ref <ident> Take a reference to the variable
ref mut <ident> Take a mutable reference to the variable
move <ident> Move the variable into the closure
move mut <ident> Move the variable into the closure and make it mutable
weak <ident> Downgrade an Rc, Arc, or anything else which implements [Downgrade]. Captures the downgraded pointer. This helps break up reference loops.
fail(<expr>) <ident> Like weak, but upgrades the weak pointer before executing the closure body. If the upgrade fails, it skips executing the body and returns the expression.
panic <ident> Like weak, but upgrades the weak pointer before executing the closure body. If the upgrade fails, it panics with message "Closure failed to upgrade weak pointer".

weak, fail, and panic transforms

use std::{rc::Rc, cell::Cell, cell::RefCell};

fn weak_examples() {
    let i = Rc::new(42);

    let weak = #[closure(weak i)]
    move || *i.upgrade().unwrap() + 1; // manual upgrade

    let fail = #[closure(fail(7) i)]
    move || *i + 2;

    let panic = #[closure(panic i)]
    move || *i + 3;

    assert_eq!(weak(), 43);
    assert_eq!(fail(), 44);
    assert_eq!(panic(), 45);


The closures expand to:

let weak = {
    let i = ::closure_attr::Downgrade::downgrade(&i);
    move || *i.upgrade().unwrap() + 1 // manual upgrade

let fail = {
    let i = ::closure_attr::Downgrade::downgrade(&i);
    move || {
        let Some(i) = ::closure_attr::Upgrade::upgrade(&i) else {
            return 7;
        *i + 2

let panic = {
    let i = ::closure_attr::Downgrade::downgrade(&i);
    move || {
        let Some(i) = ::closure_attr::Upgrade::upgrade(&i) else {
            ::std::panic!("Closure failed to upgrade weak pointer");
        *i + 3

Whole captures

The capture attribute captures whole variables. For example, this code without the attribute produces an error:

fn send<T: Send>(_: T) {}

struct SendPointer(*const ());
unsafe impl Send for SendPointer {}

fn f() {
    let p = SendPointer(std::ptr::null());
        move || {
error[E0277]: `*const ()` cannot be sent between threads safely

A workaround:

fn f() {
    let p = SendPointer(std::ptr::null());
        #[closure(move p)]
        move || {

This is equivalent to inserting let _ = &p; into the body of the closure.


This work is dual-licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0


~19K SLoC