#line-segment #line #rasterization #bresenham #graphics #clipping #integer-arithmetic


Efficient scan conversion (rasterization) of line segments with clipping to a rectangular window

4 releases

0.2.0 Dec 18, 2023
0.1.3 Dec 7, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 2, 2023
0.1.1 Oct 30, 2023
0.1.0 Oct 25, 2023

#249 in Rendering

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203 downloads per month
Used in 7 crates (2 directly)


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✂️ clipline 📏

Rust crates.io docs.rs

clipline is a Rust crate for efficient scan conversion (rasterization) of line segments with clipping to a rectangular window. It is an implementation of the 1995 paper by YP Kuzmin.

The key advantage of clipline over vanilla Bresenham is that it eliminates the need for bounds checking on every pixel, which speeds up line drawing. Furthermore, the clipping uses integer arithmetic, producing pixel-perfect endpoints. This sets it apart from floating-point clipping algorithms like Cohen-Sutherland, which may distort the line due to rounding errors.

clipline in action


Benchmarks are available here. I used criterion.rs to compare clipline to two popular line drawing crates – bresenham and line_drawing, by "drawing" 256 lines of varying clipping window sizes and line orientations.

In practice, bresenham and line_drawing will require bounds checks when indexing into a frame buffer, hence the difference between the draw_pixel_checked and draw_pixel_unchecked functions.


To use clipline, add it to your Cargo.toml file:

clipline = "0.2.0"


This crate provides two ways of performing scan conversion: the clipline function, and the Clipline iterator. The former is slightly more optimized, the latter allows external iteration. Both methods can be toggled with the func and iter features (both enabled by default).

use clipline::{clipline, Clipline, Clipline::*};

let draw_pixel = |x, y| {
    // Your custom pixel logic
    // No bounds checks necessary here!

let line = ((0, 0), (10, 10));
let clip_rect = ((2, 2), (8, 8));

// A. Use the `clipline` function for slightly faster operations
// `(start, end)` represents the visible portion of the line.
let (start, end) = clipline(line, clip_rect, draw_pixel)
    .expect("line intersects clip_rect");

// B. Iterate over `Clipline` with indirection
// `Clipline::new` returns None if `line` is fully outside `clip_rect`.
for (x, y) in Clipline::new(line, clip_rect).unwrap() {
    draw_pixel(x, y);

// C. Iterate over each `Clipline` case directly
match Clipline::new(line, clip_rect).unwrap() {
    Vlipline(pixels) => pixels.for_each(|(x, y)| draw_pixel(x, y)),
    Hlipline(pixels) => pixels.for_each(|(x, y)| draw_pixel(x, y)),
    Gentleham(pixels) => pixels.for_each(|(x, y)| draw_pixel(x, y)),
    Steepnham(pixels) => {
        for (x, y) in pixels {
            draw_pixel(x, y);

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