Cargo Features

clap_builder = { version = "4.5.2", default-features = false, features = ["debug", "unstable-doc", "std", "color", "help", "usage", "error-context", "suggestions", "deprecated", "cargo", "wrap_help", "env", "unicode", "string", "unstable-v5", "unstable-styles"] }
default = color, error-context, help, std, suggestions, usage

These default features are set whenever clap_builder is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables debug messages

Enables backtrace

unstable-doc = cargo, env, string, unicode, wrap_help


std default

Used in default
support for no_std in a backwards-compatible way

Enables std of anstyle

color default unstable-styles?

Enables anstream

help default wrap_help?
usage default
error-context default suggestions

Affects context::ContextKind, context::ContextValue, format::RichFormatter

suggestions default = error-context

Enables strsim

deprecated unstable-v5?

Guided experience to prepare for next breaking release (at different stages of development, this may become default)

cargo unstable-doc?

Disable if you're not using Cargo, enables Cargo-env-var-dependent macros

wrap_help unstable-doc? = help

Enables terminal_size

env unstable-doc?

Use environment variables during arg parsing

unicode unstable-doc?

Support for unicode characters in arguments and help messages

Enables unicase and unicode-width

string unstable-doc?

Allow runtime generated strings

unstable-v5 = deprecated

In-work features

unstable-styles = color