#diesel #test-containers #testing #single #run #proc-macro #migration

yanked citerne

A wrapper around diesel and testcontainers providing a single proc macro to run tests on a containerized database

0.1.0 Sep 22, 2022

#22 in #test-containers

MIT license

101 lines

Citerne 🚚

Latest Version GitHub tag (latest by date) Conventional Commits License

Citerne is a wrapper around diesel and testcontainers providing a single proc macro to run tests on a containerized database.


  • mysql support
  • reexpose needed diesel features (chrono, time etc)


# Cargo.toml
citerne = {version = "0.1", features = ["postgres"] }

Embedding diesel migrations:

You must provide a diesel migration directory (relative to your crate root directory). Citerne will set up a database container and execute all migration in the directory.

#[diesel(table_name = dummy)]
struct NewDummy { value: String }

    #[database_container_test(migrations = ["./migrations"])]
    fn simple_migrations(conn: &mut PgConnection) -> CiterneResult<()> {
        let value = NewDummy { value: "one".to_string() };

        let sql_result = diesel::insert_into(dummy::table)

        assert_eq!(sql_result, 1);


Custom migration files:

You can directly embed a single sql migration file to populate your containerized database with fixture data.

Note that the migrations execution is ordered, you always need to provide diesel migrations first.

    #[database_container_test(migrations = ["./migrations", "./tests/dummy.sql"])]
    fn migration_with_data_script(conn: &mut PgConnection) -> CiterneResult<()> {
        use crate::schema::dummy::value;
        use crate::test::dummy::dsl::dummy;

        let dummies: Vec<String> = dummy.select(value).load::<String>(conn)?;

        assert_eq!(dummies, vec!["yeah".to_string(), "yo".to_string()]);


Raw sql script:

Alternatively if you need your fixture data to appear in the test you can use the sql attribute. Note that you can combine both approach.

        migrations = ["./migrations"]
        sql = r#"
           INSERT INTO dummy (value) VALUES ('yeah');
           INSERT INTO dummy (value) VALUES ('yo');
    fn migration_with_raw_sql_script(conn: &mut PgConnection) -> CiterneResult<()> {
        use crate::schema::dummy::value;
        use crate::test::dummy::dsl::dummy;

        let dummies: Vec<String> = dummy.select(value).load::<String>(conn)?;

        assert_eq!(dummies, vec!["yeah".to_string(), "yo".to_string()]);



All the code in this repository is released under the MIT License, for more information take a look at the LICENSE file.


~142K SLoC