2 unstable releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.2.0 | Oct 24, 2016 |
0.1.0 | Oct 19, 2016 |
#13 in #params
142 lines
Strategy based authentication middleware for Iron framework.
Add this line to Cargo.toml
chainmail = "0.1.0"
extern crate iron;
extern crate router;
extern crate handlebars_iron as hbs;
extern crate params;
extern crate chainmail;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;
use hbs::{Template, HandlebarsEngine, DirectorySource};
use chainmail::strategy::{Strategy, AuthError};
use chainmail::{ChainmailMiddleware, ChainmailReqExt, AuthedUser};
use router::{Router, url_for};
use std::sync::Arc;
struct SampleAuthStrategy {
name: String,
pass: String
impl Strategy<u32> for SampleAuthStrategy {
fn is_valid(&self, req: &mut Request) -> bool {
use params::{Params};
let map = req.get_ref::<Params>().unwrap();
return match (map.find(&["name"]), map.find(&["pass"])) {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => true,
_ => false
fn authenticate(&self, req: &mut Request) -> Result<u32, AuthError> {
use params::{Params, Value};
let map = req.get_ref::<Params>().unwrap();
return match (map.find(&["name"]), map.find(&["pass"])) {
(Some(&Value::String(ref name)), Some(&Value::String(ref pass))) if *name == self.name && *pass == self.pass => Ok(32),
_ => Err(AuthError::new("Illigal user name or password"))
fn main() {
fn signin_handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
let mut resp = Response::new();
let mut data = HashMap::new();
data.insert(String::from("login_url"), format!("{}", url_for(req, "login", HashMap::new())));
resp.set_mut(Template::new("signin_page", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);
return Ok(resp);
fn login_handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
let mut resp = Response::new();
let mut data = HashMap::new();
let ref current_user: Option<AuthedUser<u32>> = *req.current_user();
match *current_user {
Some(ref authed_user) => {
data.insert(String::from("msg"), format!("Login success with user: {}", authed_user.user));
None => {
data.insert(String::from("msg"), format!("Login failed"));
resp.set_mut(Template::new("login_result", data)).set_mut(status::Ok);
return Ok(resp);
//Create Router
let mut router = Router::new();
router.get("/sign_in", signin_handler, "signin");
router.post("/sign_in", login_handler, "login");
//Create Chain
let mut chain = Chain::new(router);
// Add HandlerbarsEngine to middleware Chain
let mut hbse = HandlebarsEngine::new();
DirectorySource::new("./src/templates/", ".hbs")));
if let Err(r) = hbse.reload() {
panic!("{}", r.description());
let mut strategy_map: HashMap<String, Arc<Box<Strategy<u32> + Send + Sync>>> = HashMap::new();
strategy_map.insert(String::from("sample"), Arc::new(Box::new(SampleAuthStrategy {
name: String::from("sample_user"),
pass: String::from("my_passwd")
let chainmail_middleware = ChainmailMiddleware::new(strategy_map);
println!("Listen on localhost:3000");
- Support user serialize into session
~112K SLoC