#cassandra #prepared-statement #cql #derive #struct #generation


Create Cassandra tables and CRUD CQL prepared statements from Rust structs. (custom derive: cassandra_macro_derive)

4 releases

0.1.3 May 10, 2022
0.1.2 May 11, 2020
0.1.1 May 10, 2020
0.1.0 May 3, 2020

#2149 in Rust patterns

MIT license

104 lines

Create Cassandra tables and CRUD CQL statements from Rust Structs

Custom derive to simplify cassandra table creation from rust structs

This crate intends to reduce the boilerplate when create and executing basic Cassandra statements. We can see that the Rust struct holds the metadata for executing basic operations. Before this crate, you will need to write the Cassandra Table definition, create the Rust struct and manually write all CQL statements for all operations. Worse than duplicated metadata, is refactoring code when you add a new table, or change tables names and the statements blows up because the table no longer exists.

This crate is not perfect, and you are welcome to contribute.


cdrs = { version = "2" }        
cassandra_macro = "0.1.3"       
cassandra_macro_derive = "0.1.3"

Derive Api

pub trait CassandraTable {
    /// key space
    fn key_space() -> &'static str;

    /// Table name
    fn table_name() -> &'static str;

    /// CQL for table creation
    fn create_table_cql() -> &'static str;

    /// CQL for drop table
    fn drop_table_cql() -> &'static str;

    /// Prepared statement for selection by primary keys
    fn select_by_primary_keys(projection: Projection) -> String;

    /// Prepared statement for selection by primary keys and cluster keys
    fn select_by_primary_and_cluster_keys(projection: Projection) -> String;

    /// Prepared statement for update by primary keys
    fn update_by_primary_keys(columns: Vec<String>) -> String;

    /// Prepared statement for update by primary keys and cluster keys
    fn update_by_primary_and_cluster_keys(columns: Vec<String>) -> String;

    /// Prepared statement for delete by primary keys
    fn delete_by_primary_keys() -> String;

    /// Prepared statement for delete by primary keys and cluster key
    fn delete_by_primary_and_cluster_keys() -> String;

    /// Create `StoreQuery` containing the prepared statement
    /// to store this entity
    fn store_query(&self) -> StoreQuery;

    /// Create `UpdateQuery` containing the prepared statement
    /// to update this entity
    /// The statement only can update columns that are not
    /// part of the primary keys.
    fn update_query(&self) -> Result<UpdateQuery, TableWithNoUpdatableColumnsError>;

    /// Create `DeleteQuery` containing the prepared statement
    /// to delete this entity
    fn delete_query(&self) -> DeleteQuery;

Complete example

extern crate cdrs;

use std::sync::Arc;

use cassandra_macro::{CassandraTable, DeleteQuery, Projection, UpdateQuery};
use cassandra_macro::StoreQuery;
use cassandra_macro_derive::CassandraTable;
use cdrs::authenticators::StaticPasswordAuthenticator;
use cdrs::cluster::{ClusterTcpConfig, NodeTcpConfigBuilder, TcpConnectionPool};
use cdrs::cluster::session::{new_lz4, Session};
use cdrs::Error as CassandraDriverError;
use cdrs::frame::TryFromRow;
use cdrs::load_balancing::RoundRobinSync;
use cdrs::query::{QueryExecutor, QueryValues};
use cdrs::types::ByName;
use cdrs::types::rows::Row;
use cdrs::types::value::Value;
use chrono::Utc;
use uuid::Uuid;

#[table(keyspace = "test", options = "comment='Only for RUST users' | COMPACTION = {'class':'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'}")]
#[derive(Debug, CassandraTable)]
pub struct User {
    #[column(type = "TEXT", primary_key)]
    username: String,

    #[column(type = "UUID")]
    user_internal_id: Uuid,

    #[column(type = "TEXT")]
    first_name: String,

    #[column(type = "TIMESTAMP", cluster_key(order = "ASC", position = 1))]
    created: i64,

    #[column(type = "TIMESTAMP")]
    updated: i64,

impl User {
    fn set_first_name(&mut self, first_name: String) {
        self.first_name = first_name;

impl Default for User {
    fn default() -> Self {
        User {
            username: "Rust".to_string(),
            user_internal_id: Uuid::new_v4(),
            first_name: "rust".to_string(),
            created: Utc::now().timestamp_millis(),
            updated: Utc::now().timestamp_millis(),

impl TryFromRow for User {
    fn try_from_row(row: Row) -> Result<Self, cdrs::Error> {
        let username = row.r_by_name::<String>("username")?;
        let user_internal_id = row.r_by_name::<Uuid>("user_internal_id")?;
        let first_name = row.r_by_name::<String>("first_name")?;
        let created: i64 = row.r_by_name::<i64>("created")?;
        let updated: i64 = row.r_by_name::<i64>("updated")?;

        Ok(User {

pub struct CassandraConfig {
    nodes: Vec<String>,
    user: String,
    password: String,

pub struct CassandraDriver {
    connection: Arc<Session<RoundRobinSync<TcpConnectionPool<StaticPasswordAuthenticator>>>>

impl CassandraDriver {
    pub fn execute_simple_statement<Q: ToString>(&self, query: Q) -> Result<bool, CassandraDriverError> {
        match self.connection.query(query) {
            Ok(_) => Ok(true),
            Err(e) => {

    pub fn execute_store_query(&self, query: &StoreQuery) -> Result<bool, CassandraDriverError> {
        self.execute_query(query.query(), query.values())

    pub fn execute_update_query(&self, query: &UpdateQuery) -> Result<bool, CassandraDriverError> {
        self.execute_query(query.query(), query.values())

    pub fn execute_delete_query(&self, query: &DeleteQuery) -> Result<bool, CassandraDriverError> {
        self.execute_query(query.query(), query.values())

    pub fn execute_query(&self, query: &String, values: &QueryValues) -> Result<bool, CassandraDriverError> {
        let result = self.connection
            .query_with_values(query, values.to_owned());

        result.map(|_| true)

    pub fn find<T: TryFromRow + CassandraTable>(&self, keys: Vec<String>) -> Result<Option<T>, CassandraDriverError> {
        let stmt = T::select_by_primary_keys(Projection::All);

        let values = keys.iter().map(|k| Value::from(k.to_string())).collect::<Vec<Value>>();

        let result_frame = self.connection.query_with_values(stmt, QueryValues::SimpleValues(values))?;

            .map(|r| { r.first().map(|r| T::try_from_row(r.to_owned()).unwrap()) }).flatten())

    pub fn new_from_config(cassandra_configs: &CassandraConfig) -> Self {
        let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(cassandra_configs.nodes.len());

        for node in cassandra_configs.nodes.iter() {
            let authenticator: StaticPasswordAuthenticator = StaticPasswordAuthenticator::new(cassandra_configs.user.clone(),

            let node_tcp = NodeTcpConfigBuilder::new(node.as_str(), authenticator).build();


        let cluster_config = ClusterTcpConfig(nodes);

        let cassandra_session = new_lz4(&cluster_config, RoundRobinSync::new())
            .expect("Cassandra session must be created");

        CassandraDriver {
            connection: Arc::new(cassandra_session)

fn main() {
    let driver_conf = CassandraConfig {
        nodes: vec!["aella:9042".to_string()],
        user: String::from("test"),
        password: String::from("test"),

    let connection = CassandraDriver::new_from_config(&driver_conf);

    println!("Keyspace:.{}.", User::key_space());
    println!("Table name:.{}.", User::table_name());
    println!("Creating table:{}", User::create_table_cql());
    connection.execute_simple_statement(User::create_table_cql()).expect("Must create table");

    println!("You can test those by yourself");
    println!("{}", User::select_by_primary_keys(Projection::Columns(vec!["created".to_string()])));
    println!("{}", User::select_by_primary_and_cluster_keys(Projection::All));
    println!("{}", User::update_by_primary_keys(vec!["updated".to_string()]));
    println!("{}", User::update_by_primary_and_cluster_keys(vec!["updated".to_string()]));
    println!("{}", User::delete_by_primary_keys());
    println!("{}", User::delete_by_primary_and_cluster_keys());

    let mut rust_user = User::default();

    println!("Storing rust: {}", rust_user.store_query().query());
    connection.execute_store_query(&rust_user.store_query()).expect("User must be stored");

    let rust_user_from_db: Option<User> = connection.find::<User>(vec!["Rust".to_string()]).unwrap();
    assert!(rust_user_from_db.unwrap().username.eq(&rust_user.username), "Must be the same");

    println!("Update rust:{}", rust_user.update_query().unwrap().query());


    let rust_user_from_db_1 = connection.find::<User>(vec!["Rust".to_string()]).unwrap();

    assert!(rust_user_from_db_1.unwrap().username.eq(&rust_user.username), "Must be the same");

    println!("Delete:{}", rust_user.delete_query().query());
    connection.execute_delete_query(&rust_user.delete_query()).expect("Must be deleted");

    println!("Dropping table: {}", User::drop_table_cql());
    connection.execute_simple_statement(User::drop_table_cql()).expect("Table must be removed");
    /// Results of the println
    /// Keyspace:test.
    /// Table name:user
    /// Creating table:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.user  (user_internal_id UUID,first_name TEXT,username TEXT,created TIMESTAMP,updated TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY ((username), created) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (created ASC) AND comment='Only for RUST users'  AND  COMPACTION = {'class':'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'}
    /// You can test those by yourself
    /// SELECT created FROM test.user WHERE  username=? 
    /// SELECT * FROM test.user WHERE  username=?  AND  created=? 
    /// UPDATE test.user SET  updated=? WHERE  username=? 
    /// UPDATE test.user SET  updated=? WHERE  username=?  AND  created=? 
    /// DELETE FROM test.user WHERE  username=? 
    /// DELETE FROM test.user WHERE  username=?  AND  created=? 
    /// Storing rust: INSERT INTO test.user (user_internal_id,first_name,username,created,updated) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)
    /// Update rust:UPDATE test.user SET user_internal_id=?,first_name=?,updated=? WHERE username=? AND created=?
    /// Delete:DELETE FROM test.user WHERE username=? AND created=?
    /// Dropping table: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.user

Example with primary key

use cassandra_macro::Cassandra;
use cassandra_macro_derive::Cassandra;

#[table(keyspace = "fog")]
#[derive(Debug, Cassandra)]
pub struct TestRust {
    #[column(type = "TEXT", primary_key)]
    key_one: String,

Example with compound key

use cassandra_macro::Cassandra;
use cassandra_macro_derive::Cassandra;

#[table(keyspace = "fog")]
#[derive(Debug, Cassandra)]
pub struct TestRust {
    #[column(type = "UUID", compound_key(position = 2))]
    key_one: String,

    #[column(type = "TEXT", compound_key(position = 1))]
    key_two: String,


Example with compound key & cluster key & options

use cassandra_macro::Cassandra;
use cassandra_macro_derive::Cassandra;

/// Options are separated with '|' char
#[table(keyspace = "fog", options = "comment='From RUST' | COMPACTION = { 'class' : 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' }")]
#[derive(Debug, Cassandra)]
pub struct TestRust {
    #[column(type = "UUID", compound_key(position = 2))]
    key_one: String,

    #[column(type = "TEXT", compound_key(position = 1))]
    key_two: String,

    #[column(type = "TEXT", static)]
    rust_version: String,

    #[column(type = "TIMESTAMP", cluster_key(order = "DESC", position = 1))]
    created: i64,

    updated: i64, // Field with no annotation is ignored


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