10 releases
0.2.1 | Dec 4, 2021 |
0.2.0 | Jul 14, 2020 |
0.1.7 | Jul 14, 2020 |
#2347 in Parser implementations
444 lines
A tool to view every TODOs in the rust code
$ cargo install cargo-todo
you can add parameters to you TODOs
//todo 18-11-2001 5 !clement implement getters
The supported parameters are :
- Priority : A number between 1 and 9
- Deadline : A date format yyyy/mm/dd
- Member : A text that begin with '!'
- Content : Every text other thant the previouses will be considered as content
Those parameters can be added in any order as long as they follow the syntax they will be automaticaly added
$cargo todo
src/main.rs line: 331 //todo
Member: clement
Priority: 5
Deadline: 2020-08-14
implement getters
Default supported regex
- ^s*//s*todo\b (//todo)
- ^s*//s*fix\b (//fix)
- ^s*//s*fixme\b (//fixme)
cargo todo now support customizable regex
add all your customs regex in the ~/.cargo/todo_config file (will be created at launch)
all regex are case-insensitive
- -i, --inline : display todo in one line
$cargo todo -i
src/main.rs line: 331 //todo Member: clement Priority: 5 Deadline: 2020-08-14 implement getters
- -v, --verbose : Sets the level of verbosity
default or -vv
full verbose -v less verbose
$cargo todo -v
src/main.rs line: 331 //todo
implement getters
- -x, --exclude ... : Exclude some todos from the list
$cargo todo -x //fix
//wil display every todos expect those having the '//fix' keyword
- -f, --filter ... : Filter todos to show
$cargo todo -f //fix
//wil only display todos having the '//fix' keyword
- -l, --list : Number of values to display
$cargo todo -l 5
///wil display the first 5 todos
- m, --member ... : Filter from member
$cargo todo -m clement
///wil only display todos having as member clement
- -s, --sort : Sort todos [possible values: priority, deadline, member]
$cargo todo -s priority
///wil display todos sorted by their priority
Legacy mode
Can be used for legacy code base as it's support todo!() and unimplemented!()
Will display every line with a supported token (listed below) and the inside of the macro
/!\ Legacy mode is way slower the the default mode and lacks a lot of cool features
code base
todo!("implement getters");
$ cargo todo --legacy
src/main.rs TODO Line 125 : implement getters
Supported tokens
- //todo
- todo!()
- unimplemented!()
- fix
cargo todo will no longer use regex but only the default tokens listed above
~139K SLoC