#proof #parser #different #prover #format #cairo #parse-input

bin+lib cairo-proof-parser

Parser that translates beetwen different cairo proof formats

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.0 Apr 11, 2024

#32 in #parse-input

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Cairo Proof Parser

This lib crate is a parser written to translate beetwen different cairo proof formats. It exports a function:

pub fn parse(input: String) -> anyhow::Result<Exprs>


The input to the parse function is a proof in a json string format. The proof is expected to be generated by the stone prover with the -generate_annotations flag. Currently only the recursive and starknet layouts are supported.


The output is the AST wchich can be deserialized to a string using Exprs::to_string(&self) method. This can than be serialized to the arguments expected by the cairo verifier, and run using cairo args runner.

Example usage

An example usage:

use cairo_args_runner::{Arg, Felt252, VecFelt252};
use cairo_proof_parser::parse;

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Read the stone prover input
    let input = std::fs::read_to_string("main_proof.json")?;

    // Parse the input as an AST
    let parsed = parse(input)?;
    // Parse the AST as cairo arguments
    let args: VecFelt252 = serde_json::from_str(

    // Run the cairo verifier with the aruments
    let result = cairo_args_runner::run(


In the future we might parse directly to cairo-args-runner::Args to skip one parsing step. For now the current approach is absolutely sufficent and gives most flexibility. There were also some bug fixes in the cairo-lang-runner crate enabling the cairo-args-runner to pass multiple arrays correctly.


~203K SLoC