#byte-buffer #byte-slice #byte #slice #buffer #ownership #sharing


Use a heap-allocated byte buffer (a 'loaf') via independently owned, accessed, and moved slices

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Nov 29, 2021

#2435 in Algorithms

25 downloads per month

Custom license

240 lines

Byte Loaf 🍞


This library lets one treat a heap-allocated byte buffer as a loaf of bread 🍞; its contents can be arbitrarily partitioned into slices, which can be passed around, accessed, and owned independently.

Concretely, a single-part loaf can be created, and treated as a mutable byte buffer as usual.

let x = LoafPart::new(5);
let slice = x.as_slice_mut();

assert_eq!(slice, b"hello");

slice[3] = b'Q';
assert_eq!(slice, b"helQo");

Ownership of the loaf's bytes can be further sub-divided by splitting existing parts.

let y = x.split_at(3);
assert_eq!(x.as_slice(), b"hel"  );
assert_eq!(y.as_slice(),    b"lo");

For parts owning contiguous bytes, their sub-division of ownership can be re-drawn, or joined into one part.

x.with_try_resplit_at(y, 0..4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(x.as_slice(), b"hell" );
assert_eq!(y.as_slice(),     b"o");
let z = x.with_try_join(y).unwrap();
assert_eq!(z.as_slice(), b"hello");


This library was created as a utility for storing independently-owned byte slices, while minimizing the number of heap allocations. For example, this is useful for hanging onto the contents of sent UDP datagrams until their receipt is acknowledged later.

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