7 releases (3 stable)
23.1022.1 | Oct 22, 2023 |
23.1021.1 | Oct 21, 2023 |
23.314.2 | Mar 14, 2023 |
0.23.314 | Mar 14, 2023 |
0.3.43 | Mar 6, 2023 |
#542 in Encoding
986 lines
BXM manager ~ a CLI tool for servicing code table of BXM under rIME-Squirrel 叕一个 CLI 工具为 rIME-Squirrel 维护 BXM 输入法码表而创立
Command-line options
a CLI tool for managment BXM's code with rIME-Squirrel
BXMr Commands:
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
cfg point where is u rIME base *.dict.yaml
env check bind ENV setting, work with command:cfg
ver echo current BXMr version info.
gen re-generating .yaml -> ~/Library/Rime/[U BXM].yaml,config by command: cfg
seek base code SEEK word is exist?
find base word FIND code is exist?
upd aaa 叒 <~ base code word UPGRADE the define in BXM
dele aaa 叒 ~> base code word DELET the define from BXM
ahead aaa 叒 => base code word UP the word define 1st in BXM
BXMr Usage:
0: must setup .env for all Commands;
$ bxmr
BXMr> cfg yaml path/2/u/local/bxm4zq2mac.dict.yaml
~ point u rIME-Squirrel usage .yaml
>>> daily usage flow loop:
$ bxmr
BXMr> ?
... print this help
BXMr> seek aaa
.. seek the code is exist?
BXMr> upd aaa 叒
... if not exist, u can append it:
$ bxmr upd aaa 叒
BXMr> find 叒
... or find the word's code is exist? ~> find 字词
BXMr> gen
... if enough now, must export to .yaml:
BXMr> dele aaa 叒
... ~> base code word DELET the define from BXM
BXMr> ahead aaa 叒
... => base code word UP the word define 1st in BXM
... if want research BXMr
BXMr> ahead aaa 叒
... => base code word UP the word define 1st in BXM
... if want exit BXMr
BXMr> env
... check bind ENV setting, work with command:cfg
BXMr> ver
... echo current BXMr version info.
at last, always need usage rIME's re-deploy menu,
for load new code-table .yaml,
so we can enjoy new BXM now ;-)
If you already have a Rust environment set up, you can use the cargo install command:
$ cargo install bxmr
Cargo will build the bxmr
binary and place it in $HOME/.cargo.
Manual installation from GitHub
Compiled binary versions of bxmr
are uploaded to GitHub when a release is made. You can install bxmr
manually by downloading a release, extracting it, and copying the binary to a directory in your $PATH
, such as /usr/local/bin
For more information,
- ...
- 230312 ZQ canceled .toml, base memory speed daily updatting...
- 230306 ZQ ++ahead ~ adjust word suggest order
- 230304 ZQ push github
- 230227 ZQ mod/clap/tracing/... define
- 230225 ZQ re-re-re-init.
- clap::_derive::_cookbook::git_derive - Rust
- Building a CLI from scratch with Clapv3 | by Ukpai Ugochi | Medium
- odd, can not cargo check
- CN1581030A - 自由形码中文输入法3.0版 - Google Patents
- ...
- RIME | 中州韻輸入法引擎 ~ so great IME
- BXM 表形码 ~ one great 中文输入法
- but not tools for support BXM's code managment
一切的源头: ZqBXM/Rime-Squirrel at master · ZoomQuiet/ZqBXM
as Rustacean homework ...
as crate, can:
- easy install
- usage at local
- support rIME's input code table management:
- seek ~ base code check word is defined?
- find ~ base word check code is exist?
- upd ~ define new code-word and upgrade BXM-code table
- delet ~ base code+word remove the define date and upgrade BXM-code table
- gen ~ re-generating BXM-code table as .yaml, so rIME-Squirrel can re-built and reload new BXM for usage.
- ...
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...act by ferris-actor v0.2.4 (built on 23.0303.201916)
~406K SLoC