#config-parser #env-var #command-line-arguments #command-line-utilities #default #validation #default-value

yanked brasp

A library designed to handle configuration parsing for command-line applications

3 releases

0.1.2 Aug 4, 2024
0.1.1 Aug 4, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 4, 2024

#64 in #default-value


283 lines

Brasp Documentation


Brasp is a Rust library designed to handle configuration parsing for command-line applications. It offers a way to define configuration options, parse command-line arguments, validate input values, and manage defaults from environment variables.


  • Define options of types: string, number, and boolean.
  • Supports both single and multiple values for options.
  • Automatic validation of input values.
  • Ability to set defaults from environment variables.
  • Supports short and long command-line options.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

brasp = "0.1.2"


Basic Setup

Import the required modules and create an instance of Brasp.

use std::env;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use brasp::{Brasp, BraspOptions, ValidValue, ConfigOptionBase, Validator};

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let mut brasp = Brasp {
        config_set: HashMap::new(),
        short_options: HashMap::new(),
        options: BraspOptions {
            allow_positionals: true,
            env_prefix: Some("MYAPP".to_string()),
            usage: None,

    // Define options and flags here

Defining Options

Options can be defined using the available methods:

  • opt for string options.
  • num for numeric options.
  • flag for boolean options.

Each option can have a short name, default value, description, and validations.

    ConfigOptionBase {
        config_type: "string".to_string(),
        short: Some("c".to_string()),
        default: None,
        description: Some("Configuration file path".to_string()),
        validate: Some(Validator::None),
        multiple: false,

    ConfigOptionBase {
        config_type: "boolean".to_string(),
        short: Some("v".to_string()),
        default: Some(ValidValue::Boolean(false)),
        description: Some("Enable verbose output".to_string()),
        validate: Some(Validator::None),
        multiple: false,

Parsing Command-Line Arguments

To parse the command-line arguments, use the parse_raw method. This will return an OptionsResult containing the parsed values and positional arguments.

let parsed_values = brasp.parse_raw(args[1..].to_vec());

if let Some(config) = parsed_values.values.get("config") {
    println!("Config value: {}", config);

if let Some(verbose) = parsed_values.values.get("verbose") {
    println!("Verbose mode: {}", verbose);
} else {
    println!("Verbose mode is off");

Validating Options

Use the validate method to validate the parsed values against the defined options.

if let Err(e) = brasp.validate(&parsed_values.values) {
    eprintln!("Validation error: {}", e);

Setting Defaults from Environment Variables

You can populate default values from environment variables if they are set.


Full Example

Here's a complete example of a command-line application using Brasp:

use std::env;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use brasp::{Brasp, BraspOptions, ValidValue, ConfigOptionBase, Validator};

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let mut brasp = Brasp {
        config_set: HashMap::new(),
        short_options: HashMap::new(),
        options: BraspOptions {
            allow_positionals: true,
            env_prefix: Some("MYAPP".to_string()),
            usage: None,

        ConfigOptionBase {
            config_type: "string".to_string(),
            short: Some("c".to_string()),
            default: None,
            description: Some("Configuration file path".to_string()),
            validate: Some(Validator::None),
            multiple: false,

        ConfigOptionBase {
            config_type: "boolean".to_string(),
            short: Some("v".to_string()),
            default: Some(ValidValue::Boolean(false)),
            description: Some("Enable verbose output".to_string()),
            validate: Some(Validator::None),
            multiple: false,

    let parsed_values = brasp.parse_raw(args[1..].to_vec());

    if let Some(config) = parsed_values.values.get("config") {
        println!("Config value: {}", config);

    if let Some(verbose) = parsed_values.values.get("verbose") {
        println!("Verbose mode: {}", verbose);
    } else {
        println!("Verbose mode is off");

    if let Some(usage) = brasp.options.usage.clone() {
        println!("{}", usage);

Advanced Features

Multiple Values

You can define options that accept multiple values.

    ConfigOptionBase {
        config_type: "string".to_string(),
        short: Some("I".to_string()),
        default: None,
        description: Some("Directories to include".to_string()),
        validate: Some(Validator::None),
        multiple: true,

Validation with Regex and Ranges

You can enable validation using regex for strings or range checks for numbers.

use regex::Regex;

    ConfigOptionBase {
        config_type: "string".to_string(),
        short: Some("p".to_string()),
        default: None,
        description: Some("Pattern to match".to_string()),
        validate: Some(Validator::Regex("^[a-z]+$".to_string())),
        multiple: false,

    ConfigOptionBase {
        config_type: "number".to_string(),
        short: Some("l".to_string()),
        default: Some(ValidValue::Number(3)),
        description: Some("Level value".to_string()),
        validate: Some(Validator::NumberRange(1, 5)),
        multiple: false,

Environment Variables

To set default value from environment variables, define the prefix and call set_defaults_from_env.

env::set_var("MYAPP_CONFIG", "default_config.yaml");

let mut brasp = Brasp {
    config_set: HashMap::new(),
    short_options: HashMap::new(),
    options: BraspOptions {
        allow_positionals: true,
        env_prefix: Some("MYAPP".to_string()),
        usage: None,

// Define options...


Setting Usage Information

You can define custom usage information that will be displayed when needed.

brasp.options.usage = Some("Usage: myapp [options]".to_string());

if let Some(usage) = brasp.options.usage.clone() {
    println!("{}", usage);

// Or handling help flag


Open a pull request, submit your PR and I will review it. Feel free to contribute! :)

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