#command-line-tool #ros2 #state

yanked borg_ros

a command line tool for ROS2

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 10, 2023

#28 in #ros2


910 lines

A wannabe ros2 command replacer

[SUPER EARLY STATE] at the moment it calls ros2 commands externally, but the goal is to have a single binary that can be used to replace the ros2 command line tool.


cargo install borg_ros


borg_ros <COMMAND>


         ███        ███         ███  
       ███████    ███████     ███████
       ███████    ███████     ███████
         ███        ███         ███    

         ███        ███         ███  
       ███████    ███████     ███████
       ███████    ███████     ███████
         ███        ███         ███    
         ███        ███         ███  
       ███████    ███████     ███████
       ███████    ███████     ███████
         ███        ███         ███   
a wannabe ros2 command line tool alternative

Usage:  borg <COMMAND>

Monotor Commands:
  action      [a]    Various action subcommands
  topic       [t]    Various topic subcommands
  service     [s]    Various service subcommands
  param       [p]    Various param subcommands
  node        [n]    Various node subcommands
  interface   [i]    Various interface subcommands
  frame       [f]    Various transforms subcommands [WIP]

Workspace Commands:
  run         [r]    Run an executable
  launch      [l]    Launch a launch file
  work        [w]    Various workspace subcommands

Utilities Commands:     
  bag         [b]    Various rosbag subcommands
  daemon      [d]    Deamon and bridge subcommands [WIP]
  middleware  [m]    Various middleware subcommands [WIP]


~92K SLoC