22 releases
0.6.7 | Jan 19, 2025 |
0.6.6 | Dec 18, 2024 |
0.6.5 | Nov 20, 2024 |
0.6.2 | Jun 19, 2024 |
0.1.0 | Feb 11, 2023 |
#4 in #bonfida
73 downloads per month
Used in bonfida-cli
356 lines
Bonfida utils
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Used by
- Check functions
- FP32 and FP64 math functions
trait- Project structure
- Example
This repo is a collection of different utilities in use across various Bonfida projects. The repository has the following structure:
: Mainbonfida-utils
utilities libraryautobindings
: CLI command to autogenerate Typescript or Python bindings for smart contracts written in the specific Bonfida styleautoproject
: CLI command to autogenerate an extensive template smart contractautodoc
: CLI command to generate a documentedinstruction.rs
: Auxiliary crate containing macros in use by the mainbonfida-utils
: CLI entrypoint for all tools
Used by
This repository is published on crates.io, in order to use it in your Solana programs add this to your Cargo.toml
bonfida-utils = "0.1"
Install the main bonfida cli
git clone https://github.com/Bonfida/bonfida-utils.git
cd bonfida-utils
cargo install --path crates/cli
To automatically generate Javascript or Python bindings
cd /path/to/your/project
bonfida autobindings --help
To automatically generate a template smart contract
cd /path/to/project/parent
bonfida autoproject project-name
To automatically generate a documented instruction.rs
cd /path/to/your/project
bonfida autodoc
In order to generate instruction bindings automatically your project needs to follow a certain structure and derive certain traits that are detailed in the following sections.
Check functions
contains safety verification functions:
FP32 and FP64 math functions
contains some useful math functions for FP32 and FP64:
The Accounts
struct needs to derive the InstructionsAccount
trait in order to automatically generate bindings in Rust and JS. In order to know which accounts are writable and/or signer you will have to specify constraints (cons
) for each account of the struct:
- For writable accounts:
- For signer accounts:
- For signer and writable accounts:
#[cons(signer, writable)]
For example
use bonfida_utils::{InstructionsAccount};
pub struct Accounts<'a, T> {
pub read_only_account: &'a T, // Read only account
#[cons(writable)] // This specifies that the account is writable
pub writable_account: &'a T,
#[cons(signer)] // This specifies that the account is sginer
pub signer_account: &'a T,
// Write the d
#[cons(signer, writable)] // This specifies that the account is sginer and writable
pub signer_and_writable_account: &'a T,
To specify accounts that are optional
pub struct Accounts<'a, T> {
// Writable account that is optional
pub referrer_account_opt: Option<&'a T>,
The struct used for the data of the instruction needs to derive the BorshSize
trait, for example let's take the following struct
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, BorshSize)]
pub struct Params {
pub position_type: PositionType,
pub market_index: u16,
pub max_base_qty: u64,
pub max_quote_qty: u64,
pub limit_price: u64,
pub match_limit: u64,
pub self_trade_behavior: u8,
pub order_type: OrderType,
pub number_of_markets: u8,
In the above example, BorshSize
should be derived for PositionType
and OrderType
as well. The derive macro can take care of this
for field-less enums :
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, BorshSize)]
pub enum OrderType {
You might need to implement BorshSize
yourself for certain types (e.g an enum
with variants containing fields) :
#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug, PartialEq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ExampleEnum {
impl BorshSize for ExampleEnum {
fn borsh_len(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::FirstVariant => 1,
Self::SecondVariant(n) => 1 + n.borsh_len()
Project structure
🚨 The project structure is important:
- The Solana program must be in a folder called
- The JS bindings must be in a folder called
- The processor folder needs to contain instructions' logic in separate files. The name of each file needs to be snake case and match the name of the associated function in
- The instruction enum of
needs to have Pascal case names that match the snake case names of the files inprocessor
. This is detailed in the example below. - The instruction enum of
needs to be the first enum to be defined in that file.
Let's have a look at a real life example.
The project structure is as follow
├── program
│ ├── instructions.rs
│ ├── processor
│ │ ├── create_market.rs
├── js
├── src
├── python
├── src
│... The rest is omitted
To simplify we will consider only one instruction create_market.rs
and only focus on processor
and instructions.rs
We can see from the project structure that create_market.rs
is located in the processor
directory, let's have a look at the contents of the file:
//! Creates a perp market
// The sentence above will be used to describe the instruction in the auto generated doc ⚠️
use bonfida_utils::{checks::check_signer, BorshSize, InstructionsAccount};
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
// Other imports are omitted
pub struct Accounts<'a, T> {
/// The market address
#[cons(writable)] // This specifies that the account is writable
pub market: &'a T,
/// The ecosystem address
pub ecosystem: &'a T,
/// The address of the Serum Core market
pub aob_orderbook: &'a T,
/// The address of the Serum Core event queue
pub aob_event_queue: &'a T,
/// The address of the Serum Core asks slab
pub aob_asks: &'a T,
/// The address of the Serum Core bids slab
pub aob_bids: &'a T,
/// The program ID of Serum Core
pub aob_program: &'a T,
/// The Pyth oracle address for this market
pub oracle: &'a T,
/// The market admin address
#[cons(signer)] // This specifies that the account is signer
pub admin: &'a T,
/// The market vault address
pub vault: &'a T,
// Constraints (cons) can be combined e.g
// #[cons(signer, writable)]
// pub some_account: &'a T
// Optional accounts are supported as well
// pub discount_account_opt: Option<&'a T>
// BorshSize might require custom impl e.g for enum
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, BorshSize)]
pub struct Params {
pub market_symbol: String,
pub signer_nonce: u8,
pub coin_decimals: u8,
pub quote_decimals: u8,
impl<'a, 'b: 'a> Accounts<'a, AccountInfo<'b>> {
pub fn parse(accounts: &'a [AccountInfo<'b>]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
let accounts_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
let a = Accounts {
market: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
ecosystem: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
aob_orderbook: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
aob_event_queue: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
aob_asks: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
aob_bids: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
aob_program: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
oracle: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
admin: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
vault: next_account_info(accounts_iter)?,
// Account checks are omitted
pub fn process(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo], params: Params) -> ProgramResult {
let accounts = Accounts::parse(accounts)?;
let Params {
} = params;
// Instruction logic is omitted
We can see that create_market.rs
contains two important definitions:
struct: itsInstructionsAccount
trait implementation should be derived, and the constraints for each account of the struct should be specifiedParams
struct: itsBorshSize
trait implementation should be derived
The instruction.rs
file can be autogenerated using cargo autodoc
use bonfida_utils::InstructionsAccount;
// Other imports are omitted
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub enum PerpInstruction {
/// Creates a new perps market
/// | Index | Writable | Signer | Description |
/// | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/// | 0 | ✅ | ❌ | The market address |
/// | 1 | ✅ | ❌ | The ecosystem address |
/// | 2 | ❌ | ❌ | The address of the Serum Core market |
/// | 3 | ❌ | ❌ | The address of the Serum Core event queue |
/// | 4 | ❌ | ❌ | The address of the Serum Core asks slab |
/// | 5 | ❌ | ❌ | The address of the Serum Core bids slab |
/// | 6 | ❌ | ❌ | The program ID of Serum Core |
/// | 7 | ❌ | ❌ | The Pyth oracle address for this market |
/// | 8 | ❌ | ✅ | The market admin address |
/// | 9 | ❌ | ❌ | The market vault address |
/// ...
pub fn create_market(
accounts: create_market::Accounts<Pubkey>,
params: create_market::Params,
) -> Instruction {
accounts.get_instruction(crate::ID, PerpInstruction::CreateMarket as u8, params)
In order to generate Javascript instruction bindings run
cargo autobindings
This will generate a file named raw_instructions.ts
that contains all the instructions of your program
// This file is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT
import BN from "bn.js";
import { Schema, serialize } from "borsh";
import { PublicKey, TransactionInstruction } from "@solana/web3.js";
export interface AccountKey {
pubkey: PublicKey;
isSigner: boolean;
isWritable: boolean;
export class createMarketInstruction {
tag: number;
marketSymbol: string;
signerNonce: number;
coinDecimals: number;
quoteDecimals: number;
static schema: Schema = new Map([
kind: "struct",
fields: [
["tag", "u8"],
["marketSymbol", "string"],
["signerNonce", "u8"],
["coinDecimals", "u8"],
["quoteDecimals", "u8"],
constructor(obj: {
marketSymbol: string,
signerNonce: number,
coinDecimals: number,
quoteDecimals: number,
}) {
this.tag = 0;
this.marketSymbol = obj.marketSymbol;
this.signerNonce = obj.signerNonce;
this.coinDecimals = obj.coinDecimals;
this.quoteDecimals = obj.quoteDecimals;
serialize(): Uint8Array {
return serialize(createMarketInstruction.schema, this);
programId: PublicKey,
market: PublicKey,
ecosystem: PublicKey,
aobOrderbook: PublicKey,
aobEventQueue: PublicKey,
aobAsks: PublicKey,
aobBids: PublicKey,
aobProgram: PublicKey,
oracle: PublicKey,
admin: PublicKey,
vault: PublicKey
): TransactionInstruction {
const data = Buffer.from(this.serialize());
let keys: AccountKey[] = [];
pubkey: market,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: true,
pubkey: ecosystem,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: true,
pubkey: aobOrderbook,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: aobEventQueue,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: aobAsks,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: aobBids,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: aobProgram,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: oracle,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: admin,
isSigner: true,
isWritable: false,
pubkey: vault,
isSigner: false,
isWritable: false,
return new TransactionInstruction({
To generate Python bindings run
bonfida autobindings --target-language py
To run the autobindings tests you have to:
- Regenerate the js and python bindings to be sure they are up to date
- Run
in the js folder - Install ts-node with:
sudo npm install -g ts-node typescript '@types/node'
- From the
folder, runbonfida autobindings --test true
~257K SLoC