Cargo Features

bm25 = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["language_detection", "parallelism", "nltk_stopwords", "iso_stopwords"] }
default = nltk_stopwords

The nltk_stopwords feature is set by default whenever bm25 is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


With language detection enabled, the embedder and search engine can be configured to detect the language of the input text.

Enables whichlang


With parallelism enabled, batch fitting and embedding jobs happen in parallel.

Enables rayon

nltk_stopwords default

With stopwords enabled, the tokenizer will remove insignificant words from the input text.
Enables the NLTK stopwords list.

Enables cached, nltk of stop-words


Enables stopwords from the stopwords-iso stopwords list.

Enables cached, iso of stop-words