1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 22, 2021

#2222 in Game dev

Used in blunders



Blunders Engine

Blunders Engine is the core library of the Blunders Chess Engine application.


  • Bitboard and mailbox representations for Chess Positions / Board state.
  • Legal move generator.
  • UCI communication facilities.
  • A two-layer shared Transposition Table, that uses either a mutex lock or atomics for synchronization.
  • Minimax with Alpha-Beta pruning based search, iterative deepening, quiescence search.
  • Unified Error type.
  • Incremental Zobrist hashing.
  • Hand-crafted evaluation.
  • Simple time management strategy.

Basic Usage

Blunders Engine can either be used by composing the raw components manually, or using the Engine API.

Search the start position to a depth of 4-ply using a Transposition Table with 10 megabytes of capacity:

use blunders_engine::{search, Position, TranspositionTable};

let tt = TranspositionTable::with_mb(10);
let position = Position::start_position();
let ply = 4;

let search_results = search::search(position, ply, &tt);
println!("best move: {}, nodes/sec: {}", search_results.best_move, search_results.nps());
assert_eq!(search_results.depth, ply);

Do the same as above with the engine API:

use blunders_engine::{EngineBuilder, Position, Mode};

let ply = 4;
let mut engine = EngineBuilder::new()

let search_results = engine.search_sync(Mode::depth(ply, None));
println!("best move: {}, nodes/sec: {}", search_results.best_move, search_results.nps());
assert_eq!(search_results.depth, ply);

