#trading #bloomberg #quant #api-bindings #bbg


Safe wrapper to bloomberg blpapi library

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Nov 7, 2019

#22 in #quant

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


A rust wrapper for Bloomberg blpapi.

This is a Work In Progress, I do not plan on getting to parity with the C++ API. On the other hand, I very welcome any contribution!

Tested on Windows only (DesktopApi). Compiles on Linux. Tested version:


  1. Install C/C++ BLPAPI. (Download and extract the file from https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/support/api-library/)
  2. Set BLPAPI_LIB environment variable a. On windows: \lib b. On linux: /Linux


# Cargo.toml
blpapi = { version = "0.0.1", features = [ "derive", "dates" ] }

Reference data

use blpapi::{RefData, session::SessionSync};

// use the derive feature to automatically convert field names into bloomberg fields
#[derive(Default, RefData)]
struct EquityData {
    ticker: String,
    crncy: String,
    market_status: Option<String>,

let mut session = SessionSync::new().unwrap();
let securities: &[&str] = &[ /* list of security tickers */ ];

let maybe_equities = session.ref_data::<_, EquityData>(securities);

Historical data

use blpapi::{RefData, session::{SessionSync, HistOptions}};

// use the **derive** feature to automatically convert field names into bloomberg fields
#[derive(Default, RefData)]
struct Price {
    px_last: f64,

let mut session = SessionSync::new().unwrap();
let securities: &[&str] = &[ /* list of security tickers */ ];

let options = HistOptions::new("20190101", "20191231");
let prices = session.hist_data::<_, Price>(securities, options);


~11K SLoC