1 stable release
1.0.0 | Aug 20, 2021 |
#141 in #api-version
906 lines
Blockpulsar Rust Client
Official Rust client for Blockpulsar API
- Website: https://blockpulsar.com
- API documentation: https://blockpulsar-docs.web.app/
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
1. Edit the generated Cargo.toml
file to add blockpulsar_client_rust
as a dependency library:
2. Access the library in your code:
use blockpulsar_client_rust as bp;
3. Build the project with cargo build --release
Cargo will take care of managing the versions, building the dependencies when needed, and passing the correct arguments to the compiler to link together all of the dependencies.
Set the api_key
and secret_key
keys obtaned from the website.
use blockpulsar_client_rust as bp;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let bp_client = bp::client::BlockpulsarClient::new("api_key", "secret_key");
let bb_hash = bp_client.btc.get_best_block_hash().await;
let block = bp_client.btc.get_block(&bb_hash).await;
println!("{:?}", block);
return Ok(());
// Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the most-work fully-validated chain.
get_best_block_hash() -> String
// Get block.
// Args:
// -block_hash: The block hash
get_block(block_hash: &str) -> Block
// Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing.
get_blockchain_info() -> BlockchainInfo
// Returns the height of the most-work fully-validated chain. The genesis block has height 0.
get_block_count() -> u32
// Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.
// Args:
// -height: The height index. The genesis block has height 0
get_block_hash(height: u32) -> String
// Get block header
// Args:
// -block_hash: The block hash
get_block_header(block_hash: &str) -> BlockHeader
// Compute per block statistics for a given window. All amounts are in satoshis.
// Args:
// -block_hash: The block hash
get_block_stats(block_hash: &str) -> BlockStats
// Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain
// as well as orphaned branches.
get_chain_tips() -> Vec<ChainTip>
// Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.
// Args:
// -blockhash: (optional) The hash of the block that ends the window. Default is chain tip
// -nblocks: (optional) Size of the window in number of blocks.
get_chain_tx_stats(block_hash: &str, nblocks: u32) -> ChainTxStats
// Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
get_difficulty() -> f64
// Get memory pool ancestors.
// Args:
// -txid: The transaction id (must be in mempool)
get_mempool_ancestors(txid: &str) -> Vec<String>
// Get memory pool descendants.
// Args:
// -txid: The transaction id (must be in mempool)
get_mempool_descendants(txid: &str) -> Vec<String>
// Returns mempool data for given transaction.
// Args:
// -txid: The transaction id (must be in mempool)
get_mempool_entry(txid: &str) -> MempoolEntry
// Returns details on the active state of the transaction memory pool.
get_mempool_info() -> MempoolInfo
// Get raw memory pool data. A vector of TX IDs.
get_raw_mempool() -> Vec<String>
// Returns a json object containing mining-related information.
get_mining_info() -> MiningInfo
// Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.
// Args:
// -nblocks: (optional) The number of blocks, or -1 for blocks since last difficulty change.
// -height: (optional) To estimate at the time of the given height.
get_network_hash_ps(nblocks: u32, height: i32) -> u128
// Get raw transaction. When called with a blockhash argument, getrawtransaction will
// return the transaction if the specified block is available and the transaction is found
// in that block.
// Args:
// -txid: The transaction ID
// -block_hash: The block in which to look for the transaction.
get_raw_transaction(txid: &str, block_hash: &str) -> RawTransaction
// Return information about the given bitcoin address.
// Args:
// -address: BTC address to be checked
validate_address(address: &str) -> ValidateAddress
Contributions are welcome and can be made by submitting GitHub pull requests to this repository.
The blockpulsar_client_rs
source code follows the Rust Style Guide
and some modifed rules specified in .rustfmt.toml
Before making a commit or creating a PR please make sure to run the following command on the root directory
cargo +nightly fmt
This source code is available to everyone under the standard Apache-2.0 License.
~382K SLoC