#object-pool #thread-safe #blocking #automatic #initialization #back #scope

bin+lib blocking_object_pool

a thread safe, blocking, object pool in rust

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 May 31, 2018

#36 in #object-pool

MIT license

139 lines


A thread safe, blocking, object pool in rust.


  • BlockingObjectPool::with_capacity or BlockingObjectPool::with_objects to initialize a pool
  • pool.get to obtain a object from the pool

If the pool is empty, get will be blocked.

If the object is out of scope, it's been put back to the pool automatically.

That's all!


extern crate blocking_object_pool;

use blocking_object_pool::BlockingObjectPool;

struct Hello {
    a: i32,
    b: i32,

fn main() {
    let pool = BlockingObjectPool::with_capacity(2, || Hello { a: 1, b: 2 });

    // get one object
    let m = pool.get();
    assert_eq!(m.a, 1);
    println!("one. m.a={}", m.a);

    // get another object.
        let mut m = pool.get();
        println!("two. m.a={}", m.a);
        m.a = 11;
    } // here the 2nd object goes out of scope, and it's been put back to the pool automatically.
    // you can either call drop(m) manually.

    let m = pool.get();
    assert_eq!(m.a, 11);
    println!("two again, m.a={}", m.a);

    println!("this line will be blocked for ever");
    let _m = pool.get();

Inspired by zslayton's lifeguard.

No runtime deps