blake2b-rs is used at run time in 103 crates (of which 31 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates. It's used at build time in 4 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 5 crates (of which 4 directly).

Number of dependers blake2b-rs version Downloads/month
93 0.2.0 8.2K
19 0.1.5 1.4K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) blake2b-rs version
7.8K 2 ckb-system-scripts build ^0.2
4.6K 1 sparse-merkle-tree ^0.2
10K 28 ckb-hash optional ^0.2
1.3K 6 hasher optional ^0.1
ckb-dyn-lock build ^0.2
godwoken-polyjuice build ^0.1.5
ckb-type-id ^0.2.0
1 uckb-key ^0.2.0
blake2b256-balloon ~0.1
ckb-lib-secp256k1 build >=0.1.5, <0.2.0
170 nam-sparse-merkle-tree optional ^0.2.0
dyn-lock optional build ^0.2
restricted-sparse-merkle-tree optional ^0.1
100K 1 polkadot-ckb-merkle-mountain-range dev ^0.2.0
86K 12 ckb-merkle-mountain-range dev ^0.2.0
7.0K 3 eaglesong dev ^0.1.4
exclusion-merkle-cbt dev ^0.1