2 releases

0.1.16-alpha.0 Apr 2, 2023
0.1.12-alpha.0 Mar 4, 2023

#17 in #estimate

32 downloads per month

MIT license

10K SLoC


This Rust crate provides an interface for mining-related RPC functions in the Bitcoin system. These functions can be used to generate blocks, estimate transaction fees, and prioritize transactions.

Note that this crate is part of a direct translation from C++ to Rust of the Bitcoin Core. As such, some of the function bodies may still be in the process of translation. Please note that this system will become testable once the translation process is complete.

Here is a brief description of the tokens in this crate:

  • SubmitBlockStateCatcher: a struct that handles the state of block submission

  • VBDeploymentInfo: a struct that stores information about version-bit deployments

  • bip22validation_result: a struct that stores the result of BIP 22 validation

  • block_checked: a function that checks whether a block is valid

  • estimaterawfee: a function that estimates the fee needed for a raw transaction to be included in the next block

  • estimatesmartfee: a function that estimates the fee needed for a transaction to be confirmed within a certain number of blocks

  • gbt_vb_name: a function that returns the name of a version-bit deployment for the getblocktemplate RPC

  • generate: a function that generates blocks locally (without communicating with the network)

  • generate_block: a function that generates a block using the given transactions

  • generate_blocks: a function that generates a specified number of blocks (optionally with a specified address to send the block rewards to)

  • generateblock: a function that generates a block with a specified coinbase and optionally adds transactions to it

  • generatetoaddress: a function that generates a specified number of blocks and sends the block rewards to the specified address

  • generatetodescriptor: a function that generates a specified number of blocks and sends the block rewards to the specified output descriptor

  • get_network_hashps: a function that returns the estimated network hash rate in hashes per second

  • get_script_from_descriptor: a function that converts a descriptor string to a scriptPubKey

  • getblocktemplate: a function that returns a template for constructing a new block to mine

  • getmininginfo: a function that returns information about the mining process (such as the number of threads being used)

  • getnetworkhashps: a function that returns the estimated network hash rate in hashes per second

  • prioritisetransaction: a function that sets the priority of a transaction

  • register_mining_rpc_commands: a function that registers mining-related RPC commands

  • submitblock: a function that submits a block to the network

  • submitheader: a function that submits a block header to the network for mining.

110> which RPCs are associated with mining?

The following RPCs are associated with mining:

  • generate: Generates blocks in the local node's blockchain. This RPC call is used for testing purposes only and should not be used on the main network.

  • generatetoaddress: Generates a specified number of blocks and sends the block rewards to a specified address.

  • getblocktemplate: Returns data needed to construct a block to mine.

  • prioritisetransaction: Sets the priority of a transaction to be included in the next block.

  • submitblock: Submits a new block to the network.

  • submitheader: Submits a block header to the network for mining.

In addition to these RPCs, the estimaterawfee and estimatesmartfee calls can also be useful for miners to estimate transaction fees for including in their blocks.


~886K SLoC