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0.1.16-alpha.0 Apr 2, 2023
0.1.12-alpha.0 Jan 19, 2023

#8 in #key-path

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Used in 40 crates (4 directly)

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The bitcoin-hdchain crate is a Rust implementation of the hierarchical deterministic (HD) chain functionality used in the Bitcoin system. This crate is part of a direct translation of the Bitcoin codebase from C++ to Rust, and some of the function bodies may still be in the process of being translated.

The HD chain functionality allows for the generation of a hierarchical chain of Bitcoin addresses, which can be used to receive and send funds. This functionality is particularly useful for applications that need to generate a large number of unique addresses without compromising security. The HD chain is derived from a single master key, which can be used to generate an unlimited number of child keys and addresses.

The HDChain struct provided by this crate represents a single HD chain, and includes methods for generating child keys and addresses, as well as for serializing and deserializing the chain. The default and set_null methods are provided for initializing and resetting the chain, respectively, while the eq method is used to compare two HD chains for equality.

The HD chain functionality relies on a number of mathematical concepts and algorithms, including elliptic curve cryptography and the BIP32 specification for hierarchical deterministic wallets. These concepts and algorithms are used to generate and manipulate public and private keys, as well as to derive child keys and addresses from a parent key. The exact mathematical details of these operations are beyond the scope of this description, but can be found in the relevant Bitcoin specifications and technical documents.

Overall, the bitcoin-hdchain crate provides a reliable and secure implementation of the HD chain functionality used in the Bitcoin system, and is an important component of many Bitcoin-related applications and services.

24> cool, thanks -- could you teach me BIP32 for hierarchical deterministic wallets?

Sure! BIP32 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32) is a specification for hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets in Bitcoin. It provides a standard for generating a hierarchical tree of keys, which can be used to generate an unlimited number of unique Bitcoin addresses without compromising security.

At the heart of BIP32 is the concept of a master key, which is used to derive all child keys in the hierarchical tree. The master key is a randomly generated 256-bit seed value that is used to generate a root key, which is then used to derive child keys using a deterministic algorithm.

The deterministic algorithm used in BIP32 is based on a combination of elliptic curve cryptography and hashing. Specifically, BIP32 uses the SHA-256 hash function and the secp256k1 elliptic curve to generate child keys from a parent key.

The hierarchy of keys in BIP32 is organized into a tree structure, with the root key at the top and child keys branching out from it. Each key in the tree is identified by a path, which consists of a series of integers that specify the path from the root key to the key in question.

To generate a child key in BIP32, the parent key is first hashed using the SHA-256 hash function, and the resulting hash value is then hashed again using the RIPEMD-160 hash function. The resulting hash value is then used as the public key for the child key, while the private key for the child key is derived using a series of mathematical operations on the parent key's private key and the hash value.

The process of generating child keys can be repeated an unlimited number of times to generate a hierarchical tree of keys, with each key being derived from its parent key using the deterministic algorithm described above. This allows for the generation of an unlimited number of unique Bitcoin addresses without the need to store each address separately.

Overall, BIP32 is a powerful and flexible specification for generating hierarchical deterministic wallets in Bitcoin. Its reliance on a combination of elliptic curve cryptography and hashing allows for the generation of an unlimited number of unique Bitcoin addresses while maintaining a high level of security and privacy.

25> why do we hash with two serparate hash functions?

In Bitcoin, it's common to use multiple hash functions in combination to produce a unique hash value for a given piece of data. This is done to take advantage of the strengths of each individual hash function and to reduce the likelihood of hash collisions.

Hash collisions occur when two different pieces of data produce the same hash value, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and data integrity issues. By using multiple hash functions, the likelihood of a collision occurring is greatly reduced, since the probability of two different pieces of data producing the same hash value with both functions is much lower than with just one.

For example, in Bitcoin, the process of generating a Bitcoin address from a public key involves using two separate hash functions: SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160. The public key is first hashed using SHA-256 to produce a 256-bit hash value, and the resulting hash value is then hashed again using RIPEMD-160 to produce a 160-bit hash value. This 160-bit hash value is then used as the Bitcoin address.

By using two separate hash functions in this way, the resulting Bitcoin address is unique to the specific public key being hashed, even if other public keys produce similar or identical hash values with one of the hash functions.

Overall, using multiple hash functions in combination can improve the security and reliability of cryptographic protocols like Bitcoin, by reducing the likelihood of hash collisions and ensuring that the resulting hash values are unique and difficult to predict or tamper with.

26> interesting -- do we salt in the middle?

In general, the use of a salt in a hash function is intended to increase the security of the hash by making it more difficult for attackers to use precomputed hash tables or other known values to quickly find matching hashes. In Bitcoin,k the use of salts in hash functions is not common, but it can be employed in certain contexts to enhance security.

For example, in the context of generating Bitcoin addresses from public keys, the SHA-256 hash function is typically used without a salt, since the public key itself is considered to be a unique identifier for the address. However, in other contexts where the input data may be less unique or subject to attack, the use of a salt in combination with a hash function can be an effective security measure.

Overall, the use of a salt in a hash function depends on the specific application and security requirements of the system in question. While it can be a useful tool for increasing security, it should be used judiciously and in combination with other security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data.

27> why does it make hash collisions less common to use two separate hash functions? if they collide after the sha256, wont they collide after the sha256 + the ripemd160? if they don't collide after the sha256, they didn't collide

You raise a good point! Let me clarify my earlier response.

Using two separate hash functions in combination does not necessarily reduce the likelihood of hash collisions between two specific pieces of data. As you pointed out, if two pieces of data produce the same hash value with the first hash function, then they will still produce the same hash value when the second hash function is applied.

However, using two separate hash functions can still be useful for reducing the likelihood of collision attacks in general, particularly when the hash functions are chosen to have different properties and strengths. For example, SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160 are both cryptographic hash functions, but they have different block sizes and output sizes, and are based on different mathematical principles. By using them in combination, the resulting hash value has a lower probability of collision with other hash values that were generated using different hash functions or different input data.

In addition, using multiple hash functions can also provide defense in depth, by making it more difficult for an attacker to compromise the system by finding a collision or other vulnerability in a single hash function. By using multiple hash functions, the attacker would need to find a collision in both hash functions, which is typically much more difficult than finding a collision in just one.

Overall, while using two separate hash functions in combination does not guarantee the absence of hash collisions, it can be a useful technique for improving the overall security and reliability of a cryptographic system.

28> but if you find a collision in the first, since the hashes are performed in series, you have necessarily collided the second automatically. maybe the hashes could be done in parallel, and then the result concatenated before being sent through a third hash. would that be better?

Yes, you are correct. If a collision is found in the first hash function, it would necessarily result in a collision in the second hash function as well, since the output of the first hash function is used as the input for the second.

To avoid this issue, a technique that is sometimes used is to perform the hashes in parallel and then concatenate the results before sending them through a third hash function. This can be done in a way that reduces the likelihood of collisions, since the input data is being processed by two separate hash functions at the same time.

For example, instead of computing SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160 separately and sequentially, the two hash functions could be run in parallel on different parts of the input data. The outputs of both functions could then be concatenated together and hashed again using a third hash function, such as SHA-256 or BLAKE2b.

This technique is sometimes referred to as "parallel hashing" or "tree hashing", and it has been used in some Bitcoin-related applications, such as the construction of Merkle trees for efficient data verification and storage.

Overall, using parallel hashing in combination with multiple hash functions can be an effective technique for reducing the likelihood of hash collisions and improving the overall security and reliability of a cryptographic system.

29> interesting -- i wasn't sure that was actually a technique. It sounds reasonable

Parallel hashing is indeed a well-established technique in cryptography and is used in various applications to improve performance and security. The idea behind it is to break up the input data into smaller pieces and process them in parallel using multiple hash functions, before concatenating the results and hashing them again using a final hash function. This can result in faster processing times and can also improve security by reducing the likelihood of hash collisions and other vulnerabilities.

So, you weren't making it up! It's a legitimate technique that has been studied and used in various contexts in cryptography.

30> nice, that's always good to hear ٩(^‿^)۶

Absolutely! It's always great to see people interested in learning about cryptography and exploring new techniques to improve security and reliability. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help with!

2> thanks! what else can you tell me about bitcoin hdchain?

Bitcoin HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) Chain is a type of Bitcoin wallet that uses a hierarchical structure to derive a large number of public-private key pairs from a single seed phrase or mnemonic. This means that instead of generating a new key pair for each transaction, the HD wallet generates a new key pair for each address.

The use of an HD wallet has several advantages over traditional Bitcoin wallets. Firstly, it allows for easy backup and recovery of funds. As the wallet generates all the key pairs from a single seed phrase, users only need to backup the seed phrase once and they can easily restore all their keys in case their wallet is lost or stolen.

Secondly, HD wallets offer better privacy as they can generate a new address for each transaction, making it harder to link different transactions to the same user. This also makes it harder for someone to track a user's entire transaction history.

Another advantage of HD wallets is that they are compatible with multiple devices and can be used to manage multiple accounts. This is particularly useful for businesses or individuals who need to manage multiple wallets or who need to share access to their wallet with other people.

In summary, Bitcoin HD chain is a type of Bitcoin wallet that uses a hierarchical structure to derive a large number of public-private key pairs from a single seed phrase or mnemonic. It offers better privacy, easy backup and recovery, and is compatible with multiple devices and accounts.

3> any gotchas?

While Bitcoin HD wallets provide several benefits, there are a few potential "gotchas" or considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Security: While HD wallets offer easy backup and recovery options, they are only as secure as the seed phrase that generates them. If the seed phrase is compromised or stolen, then all the derived keys and funds could be at risk. Therefore, it is important to keep the seed phrase secure and not share it with anyone.

  2. Transaction Fees: Using a new address for each transaction can result in larger transaction fees, as each address requires a separate input. This may be a concern for users who make frequent small transactions.

  3. Compatibility: Not all Bitcoin wallets or services are compatible with HD wallets. Therefore, it is important to check for compatibility before using an HD wallet with a particular service or exchange.

  4. Compatibility Issues with Older Wallets: Some older Bitcoin wallets may not be compatible with HD wallets, so it's important to check the compatibility before trying to import an HD wallet seed phrase into an older wallet.

  5. Backup: While HD wallets offer easy backup and recovery options, it's important to ensure that the backup process is properly executed. Failing to backup the seed phrase or storing it insecurely can result in the loss of all funds associated with the HD wallet.

In summary, while Bitcoin HD wallets offer several benefits, it is important to consider the potential risks and ensure that the seed phrase is kept secure, that transaction fees are taken into account, that compatibility is checked with other wallets and services, and that proper backup procedures are followed.

hdkeypath functions

Provides functions to format, parse, and write hierarchical deterministic (HD) key paths for Bitcoin HD wallets.

  • format_hd_keypath(path: &[u32]) -> String: Formats an HD key path from a slice of unsigned 32-bit integers, where each integer represents a level in the key path hierarchy. The resulting string can be used to derive a specific public or private key within an HD wallet.

  • parse_hd_keypath(path_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<u32>, &'static str>: Parses an HD key path string into a vector of unsigned 32-bit integers representing each level in the key path hierarchy. Returns an error if the input string is not a valid HD key path.

  • write_hd_keypath<W: Write>(path: &[u32], writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>: Writes an HD key path to a given writer as a sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers in little-endian byte order. This function is useful when working with binary data.

The HD key path format used by this crate is defined by the BIP32 specification, which describes how to derive a hierarchy of child keys from a single parent key. The key path hierarchy is represented as a sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers separated by forward slashes (/), with each integer representing an index in the child key derivation path.

Mathematically, the HD key path format can be represented using Unicode subscript notation. Let i_1, i_2, ..., i_n be a sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers representing an HD key path, where n is the length of the sequence. Then the corresponding HD key path string can be written as:

m / i_1 ₍₁₆₎ / i_2 ₍₁₆₎ / ... / i_n ₍₁₆₎

where m is the prefix indicating the master key, and each i_k is written in subscript notation as a hexadecimal number.

5> thanks -- why do we use HD key paths?

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) key paths are used in Bitcoin HD wallets to provide a convenient and secure way to manage a large number of public-private key pairs. HD wallets use a single master seed or mnemonic to derive a hierarchy of child keys, each with a unique address, which can be used for receiving and sending Bitcoin transactions.

The use of HD key paths provides several advantages over traditional wallets that generate a new key pair for each transaction. Firstly, it simplifies the backup and recovery process since a user only needs to backup their seed phrase once, instead of backing up each individual key pair. This makes it easier for users to securely manage and protect their funds.

Secondly, HD wallets offer better privacy as they can generate a new address for each transaction, making it harder to link different transactions to the same user. This also makes it harder for someone to track a user's entire transaction history.

Furthermore, HD wallets offer greater flexibility as they can be used to manage multiple accounts or wallets, and can be easily integrated with other services and applications.

In summary, HD key paths are used in Bitcoin HD wallets to provide a more convenient and secure way to manage a large number of public-private key pairs, and offer advantages in terms of backup and recovery, privacy, and flexibility.


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