2 releases

0.1.16-alpha.0 Apr 2, 2023
0.1.12-alpha.0 Jan 19, 2023

#16 in #set-key

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530 downloads per month
Used in 40 crates (4 directly)

MIT license



Bitcoin-crypter is a Rust crate that provides cryptographic functionalities for the Bitcoin system. It is a direct translation of the corresponding C++ codebase, with some function bodies in the process of translation.

Cryptographic functionalities

The Crypter struct provides methods for encryption and decryption of data using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with a key derived from a passphrase. The MasterKey struct provides methods for generating and setting a random key for use in encryption and decryption.

The KeyingMaterial struct is used to represent a key that is derived from a passphrase. The bytes_to_keysha512aes function derives a key from a passphrase using a SHA-512 hash function, and a sequence of key stretching steps. The clean_key function clears the derived key from memory after use.


To use the Crypter struct, create a new instance and set the key using either a passphrase or a raw key. Then, use the encrypt and decrypt methods to encrypt and decrypt data. The encrypt_secret and decrypt_secret methods can be used to encrypt and decrypt confidential information, such as private keys.

The MasterKey struct can be used to generate and set a random key, which can be used for encryption and decryption. The set_key_from_passphrase method can also be used to derive a key from a passphrase, using the bytes_to_keysha512aes function.


When using cryptographic functions, it is important to be aware of potential vulnerabilities and attacks, such as side-channel attacks and padding oracle attacks. Additionally, it is important to ensure that keys are kept secure and are not leaked or compromised. Finally, it is important to use established cryptographic algorithms and implementations, and to keep software up-to-date with security patches.

Overall, the bitcoin-crypter crate provides a set of cryptographic functionalities for the Bitcoin system that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data securely.

51> thanks -- could we talk about KeyingMaterial and MasterKey in the context of the bitcoin system? what do these do?

Sure! In the context of the Bitcoin system, KeyingMaterial and MasterKey are used for key derivation and encryption/decryption of sensitive information, respectively.

KeyingMaterial is typically generated from a passphrase using a key derivation function (KDF) such as the SHA-512 algorithm, and is used to derive a set of cryptographic keys and other parameters that are used throughout the system, such as for transaction signing and verification.

The MasterKey, on the other hand, is a secret key used for encrypting and decrypting sensitive data, such as private keys and wallet backups. It is typically derived from a user's passphrase and salted with additional random data to make it more resistant to brute-force attacks.

The Bitcoin system uses a variety of encryption and key derivation algorithms, and the specific implementations may vary depending on the client software being used. The Crypter crate provides Rust implementations of some of these algorithms, such as bytes_to_keysha512aes for key derivation and encrypt/decrypt for encryption and decryption using the AES block cipher.

52> what about the Crypter struct itself?\

The Crypter struct is a high-level wrapper around the OpenSSL encryption library. It provides an interface for encrypting and decrypting data using the AES-256 encryption algorithm. The Crypter struct uses a symmetric key encryption scheme, which means that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

The Crypter struct can be configured with a key, which can be generated from a passphrase using a key derivation function. The struct can also be configured with an initialization vector (IV), which is used to randomize the encryption process.

Overall, the Crypter struct provides a secure way to encrypt and decrypt data, which is important for maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information in the context of the Bitcoin system.

53> thanks -- so the main structs here are Crypter, MasterKey, and KeyingMaterial -- is this correct?

Yes, that's correct. The Crypter struct is the main interface for encrypting and decrypting data, while MasterKey and KeyingMaterial are used for generating the key used in the encryption and decryption process.

54> great -- so, are there any gotchas with regard to their usage?

Yes, there are some gotchas to consider when using the functionality provided by this crate:

  1. Key Management: Proper management of keys is important to ensure the security of encrypted data. It is important to keep the master key secure and ensure that it is not compromised. Additionally, key rotation should be performed regularly to reduce the impact of a compromised key.

  2. Cryptographic Strength: The cryptographic strength of the encryption algorithm used by the Crypter struct should be carefully evaluated. It is important to use a strong algorithm and key size to ensure that the encrypted data cannot be easily compromised.

  3. Implementation Details: The implementation details of the Crypter struct should be carefully evaluated to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities or weaknesses that can be exploited by attackers. This includes ensuring that the key derivation function used by the Crypter struct is secure, and that the implementation of the encryption and decryption functions is correct.

  4. Compatibility: When using the Crypter struct in a larger system, compatibility issues may arise with other components of the system that expect a different encryption format or key management scheme. It is important to carefully consider these issues and ensure that the Crypter struct is compatible with the other components of the system.

  5. Key Storage: The keying material and master key should be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. Care should be taken to ensure that the keys are not accidentally deleted or overwritten, and that backups are made regularly to prevent data loss in case of a system failure.

Overall, the usage of the Crypter struct should be done with care and with an understanding of the underlying cryptographic principles and best practices for key management and secure storage.

55> let's talk more about key management, security, and storage -- what advice can you provide as far as doing this properly is concerned?

Key management, security, and storage are essential aspects of any cryptographic system, including Bitcoin. Here are some general advice and best practices:

  1. Generate keys securely: Keys should be generated using a high-quality random number generator (RNG) that is resistant to prediction or manipulation. Keys should also be generated on a system that is free from malware and other security risks.

  2. Use a hardware wallet: Hardware wallets are devices that store private keys offline and are designed to protect against attacks. Hardware wallets are considered one of the most secure ways to store private keys.

  3. Keep keys secret: Private keys must be kept secret at all times. Do not share them with anyone and do not store them in an unencrypted format.

  4. Use a secure backup: Back up your keys in a secure location that is protected against theft, fire, and other disasters. Make sure that the backup is encrypted and password-protected.

  5. Use multi-signature: Multi-signature (multi-sig) is a mechanism that requires multiple parties to sign a transaction before it can be executed. Multi-sig can be used to distribute control over a Bitcoin wallet, making it more secure.

  6. Keep software updated: Keep your Bitcoin software and wallets updated with the latest security patches and features. Vulnerabilities in older software versions can be exploited by attackers.

  7. Use strong passwords: Use strong passwords for all accounts, wallets, and key storage solutions. A strong password should be at least 12 characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

  8. Enable two-factor authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone or email.

  9. Be cautious of phishing attacks: Phishing attacks are a common method used by attackers to steal private keys and passwords. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, text messages, or phone calls, and always verify the authenticity of the sender before providing any sensitive information.

  10. Follow best practices: Follow established best practices for key management, security, and storage. There are many resources available online that provide detailed guidance on these topics.

56> thanks. anything else to add about this crate?

One thing to note is that the bitcoin-crypter crate provides low-level cryptographic operations for the Bitcoin system. While it is an essential component for secure and private Bitcoin transactions, it is important to use these functions correctly and securely. Improper use of these functions can lead to vulnerabilities, which can compromise the security and privacy of Bitcoin transactions. Therefore, it is important to use best practices for key management, encryption, and secure storage of cryptographic materials. Additionally, as with any cryptographic code, it is important to have rigorous testing and auditing to ensure the code is working as expected and to catch any potential vulnerabilities.

57> what do we need to keep in mind when implementing KeyingMaterial?

When implementing KeyingMaterial, it is important to ensure that the material used to derive the key is sufficiently random and secure. This can be achieved by using a cryptographically secure random number generator (CSPRNG) and following best practices for key management.

Additionally, it is important to consider the strength of the algorithm used for key derivation. Ideally, the algorithm should be designed to be computationally expensive to prevent brute force attacks. It is also important to ensure that the key is sufficiently long to resist attacks.

When handling sensitive information such as keys and passwords, it is important to follow best practices for secure storage and transmission. This may include measures such as encryption, access control, and secure deletion.

Overall, the implementation of KeyingMaterial should prioritize security and take into consideration potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities. It is important to keep up to date with best practices in key management and cryptography to ensure that the implementation is robust and secure.

58> what about MasterKey?

In the context of Bitcoin, a Master Key is typically a hierarchical deterministic (HD) key used to generate a sequence of private keys, which are in turn used to sign transactions or perform other cryptographic operations. HD keys are used to derive a series of keys from a single "master" seed value, making them a convenient way to manage a large number of keys.

When implementing a MasterKey, it is important to use a cryptographically secure random number generator to generate the initial seed value, and to ensure that the seed value is kept secure. Additionally, it is important to properly manage the derived keys, including securely storing them and protecting them from unauthorized access.

Overall, the main considerations when implementing a MasterKey are ensuring the security and integrity of the seed value, and properly managing the derived keys to prevent unauthorized access or loss of keys.

59> what about Crypter?

When using the Crypter struct, it is important to properly set the encryption key using the set_key or set_key_from_passphrase methods before attempting to encrypt or decrypt data. Additionally, it is important to securely store any encryption keys and use proper key management practices to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

60> lets go into these last three answers in more technical detail -- what information can you provide? what is the relevant mathematics?


Let's start with KeyingMaterial. In cryptography, key derivation functions (KDFs) are used to derive secret keys from a given master key or password. One popular KDF is PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2), which takes a master key and a salt as input and produces a derived key.

In the context of KeyingMaterial in bitcoin-crypter, we see that bytes_to_keysha512aes is being used to derive a key from a given passphrase. The bytes_to_keysha512aes function implements the PBKDF2 algorithm using SHA-512 as the hashing function and AES-256 in CBC mode for encryption.

The PBKDF2 algorithm itself involves iterating a pseudorandom function (in this case, SHA-512) over the input password and salt a certain number of times, producing a derived key of the desired length. The number of iterations is a parameter that can be adjusted to increase the computational cost of deriving the key and thus make brute-force attacks more difficult.

Next, let's look at MasterKey. In the context of bitcoin-crypter, the MasterKey struct is essentially just a wrapper around a symmetric encryption key. When we call set_key_from_passphrase on a MasterKey object, we use the bytes_to_keysha512aes function we talked about earlier to derive a key from a given passphrase. This derived key is then stored in the MasterKey object and can be used for symmetric encryption and decryption.

Finally, let's look at Crypter. The Crypter struct is essentially a wrapper around the OpenSSL EVP symmetric encryption library. EVP provides a high-level API for performing symmetric encryption and decryption using various algorithms (e.g. AES-256-CBC, ChaCha20-Poly1305, etc.). When we call encrypt_secret or decrypt_secret on a Crypter object, we are using the EVP API to perform the encryption or decryption operation.

The mathematics behind symmetric encryption algorithms like AES and ChaCha20-Poly1305 are quite complex and beyond the scope of this discussion. However, the basic idea is that these algorithms use a symmetric key (such as the key derived by bytes_to_keysha512aes and stored in a MasterKey object) to transform plaintext into ciphertext (encryption) or vice versa (decryption). The goal is to make it difficult for an attacker to recover the plaintext without knowing the key.

In summary, KeyingMaterial, MasterKey, and Crypter are all involved in the process of deriving and using symmetric encryption keys for the purpose of encrypting and decrypting sensitive data in the bitcoin system. The underlying mathematics involves key derivation functions, pseudorandom functions, and symmetric encryption algorithms. Proper implementation and use of these constructs is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of the system.


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