2 releases
0.1.1 | Mar 10, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Mar 10, 2022 |
#2325 in Cryptography
757 lines
B/FV homomorphic encryption scheme
This is a toy implementation of the B/FV homomorphic encryption scheme. The existing library is somewhat homomorphic: encryption, decryption, ciphertext addition and multiplication are supported, but only up to a certain multiplicative depth. For Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), an implementation of bootstrapping is currently under development.
The following example shows how to:
- Generate secret, public, and relinearization keys
- Encrypt plaintexts
- Add and multiply ciphertexts
- Decrypt ciphertexts
use rand::SeedableRng;
// Generate an RNG. Any Rng that implements RngCore + CryptoRng can be used.
let mut rng = rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(18);
use bfv12::{SecretKey, Plaintext};
// Set the parameters for this instantiation of B/FV
let t = 12; // Plaintext modulus
let q = 65536; // Ciphertext modulus
let std_dev = 3.2; // Standard deviation for generating the error
let degree = 4; // Degree of polynomials used for encoding and encrypting messages
let rlk_base = (q as f64).log2() as i64; // The base for decomposition during relinearization
// Generate secret, public, and relinearization keys using the given parameters
let secret_key = SecretKey::generate(degree, &mut rng);
let public_key = secret_key.public_key_gen(q, std_dev, &mut rng);
let rlk_1 = secret_key.relin_key_gen_1(q, std_dev, &mut rng, rlk_base);
// Generate random plaintexts
let pt_1 = Plaintext::rand(degree, t, &mut rng);
let pt_2 = Plaintext::rand(degree, t, &mut rng);
let pt_3 = Plaintext::rand(degree, t, &mut rng);
// Encrypt the plaintexts
let ct_1 = pt_1.encrypt(&public_key, std_dev, &mut rng);
let ct_2 = pt_2.encrypt(&public_key, std_dev, &mut rng);
let ct_3 = pt_3.encrypt(&public_key, std_dev, &mut rng);
// Multiply and add the ciphertexts: ct_1 * ct_2 + ct_3
// Note: multiplication requires the relinearization key
let expr_ct = ct_1 * (ct_2, &rlk_1) + ct_3;
// Decrypt the result of the evaluation
let expr_pt = expr_ct.decrypt(&secret_key);
// Compare the expected output to the decrypted output
let expected_pt = (pt_1.poly() * pt_2.poly() + pt_3.poly()) % (t, degree);
assert_eq!(expr_pt.poly(), expected_pt)
Installation & Use
To use this library, you will need the Rust compiler. The compiler can be installed on linux and osx with the following command:
curl --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Other rust installation methods are available on the rust website.
Build with cargo build
, run tests with cargo test
~16K SLoC