#bevy #plugin #graphics #game #cleancut


Random utility stuff for bevy for my personal use. You're welcome to use it, too, if you like.

9 releases

new 0.2.7 Sep 10, 2024
0.2.6 Sep 2, 2024
0.2.4 Aug 31, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 15, 2024

#397 in Game dev

Download history 294/week @ 2024-08-11 55/week @ 2024-08-18 155/week @ 2024-08-25 355/week @ 2024-09-01 143/week @ 2024-09-08

758 downloads per month


251 lines


Random utility stuff for bevy for my personal use. You're welcome to use it, too, if you like.


It's all in the prelude: use bevy_cleancut::prelude::*

Thing Does What?
play_sound Plays a single sound effect with a minor, random pitch alteration which then despawns itself.
collision_started Easy way to verify if entities of two specific types have started colliding. (bevy_rapier2d)
collision_stopped Easy way to verify if entities of two specific types have stopped colliding. (bevy_rapier2d)
create_gravity2d_boundaries Spawn a nice compound Collider bordering left, right, and bottom of a default window for use in simple games that have gravity.
particle_trail_bundle Creates a particle trail as a bundle to be added as a child to an entity
spawn_particle_poof Creates a oneshot particle system that poofs in a global location
PlayerColors A struct with nice default colors to use for players
Action An enum for use with leafwing-input-manager suitable for 2d platformer with Run (single axis) and Jump (button) variants.


bevy bevy_cleancut
0.14.* 0.1.0-0.2.x
< 0.14 Unsupported


~1.5M SLoC