8 releases (5 breaking)

0.5.0 Jun 20, 2022
0.4.0 Jun 10, 2022
0.3.1 May 16, 2022
0.2.0 Apr 30, 2022
0.0.2 Apr 23, 2022

#182 in Profiling

MIT license



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What is benchie?

benchie is a simple-to-use CLI tool that benchmarks performance of your processes and organizes the benchmarking results for you.


benchie ships as a single executable with no dependencies. You can install it using the installers below, or download a release binary from the releases page.

Shell (Mac, Linux):

curl -fsSL  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benchie-io/benchie/main/scripts/install.sh | sh

PowerShell (Windows):

iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benchie-io/benchie/main/scripts/install.ps1 -useb | iex

Build from Source

benchie can be built and tested on all major platforms. First install Rust from https://rustup.rs and add it to your path.

Install via Cargo

Install the latest version of benchie using Rust's built-in package manager:

$ cargo install benchie --locked

Install via Github

  • Clone this repository
  • Test you toolchain setup by compiling benchie:
    $ cargo build --locked
  • Run tests:
    $ cargo test --locked



In order to benchmark (measure runtime similar to the unix-tool time) a process, invocate benchie as follows:

$ benchie [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

where <COMMAND> can be any command including command-line arguments. benchie stores additionally some meta information to the benchmark such as information of the commit, timestamps, exit status of the executable, etc. Moreover, one can pass various options to the benchmarking process.


A tag helps to identify benchmarking results. One can pass multiple tags as key-value pairs for each benchmark using --tag key=value as an option. For instance,

$ benchie --tag algorithm=bubblesort ./bubblesort

runs the executable ./bubblesort and tags the benchmark with algorithm=bubblesort.

Output Tagging

Tags can also be provided on stdout of the executable at runtime. For instance, benchie will parse the output and if

@benchie key=value

is printed to stdout, the tag key=value is stored as tag to the benchmark.

Display Benchmarking Results

To get an overview of all your benchmarks, simply type

$ benchie show

A sample output could be:

| key             | occurrences | example values                                                 |
| commit_id       | 2           | 014fbb4b2e5c5cc1de7266a708fa909df9915011                       |
| user_time       | 2           | 567µs, 572µs                                                   |
| algorithm       | 2           | mergesort, bubblesort                                          |
| created_at      | 2           | 2022-05-11 09:11:54.315066 UTC, 2022-05-11 09:11:47.635744 UTC |
| status_code     | 2           | 0                                                              |

which means that we have 2 stored benchmarks, where we tagged one with algorithm=mergesort and the other with algorithm=bubblesort.

Table View

To usefully show benchmarking results, benchie provides a one-dimensional or two-dimensional table view. For the one-dimensional view, we must provide the --row option and a metric that we want to display. Both, the row and the metric must occur as a key in at least one benchmark. To identify occurring keys, use benchie show.

As an example, we use algorithm as row and user_time as metric:

$ benchie show --row algorithm user_time

which may give the following output:

| algorithm  | user_time |
| bubblesort |     572µs |
| mergesort  |     567µs |

For the two-dimensional table view, we need also to pass the --col option, which again must be an occuring key. Let's assume we made 4 benchmarks: 2 for bubblesort and 2 for mergesort with 100 and 1000 elements, respectively. Hence, we tagged each benchmark with two tags: algorithm=bubblesort and elements=100, etc. To show a two-dimensional table view on algorithm and elements with user_time as metric, we can type

$ benchie show --row algorithm --col elements user_time

which may give the following output:

|            |  100  |  1000  |
| bubblesort | 572µs |  944µs |
| mergesort  | 567µs |  598µs |


To filter the benchmark results, one can pass an equality filter as option. The syntax for the filter option is --filter key=value, for instance

$ benchie show --filter algorithm=mergesort --row algorithm user_time

shows a one-dimensional table view, which lists only entries where algorithm is equal to mergesort.




Licensed under the MIT license.


~1M SLoC