#battery #json #json-format #cli #command-line-tool #date-format

bin+lib battinfo

A command-line tool for retrieving battery information, built using the excellent cross-platform battery crate

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Mar 5, 2025

#2125 in Command line utilities

MIT license

356 lines


A command-line tool for retrieving battery information, built using the excellent cross-platform battery crate.


cargo install battinfo


battinfo --help
Usage: battinfo [--vendor] [-m] [--serial-number] [-g] [--capacity] [-b <battery-number>]
                [-a] [-c] [-p] [-s] [-e] [-f] [-i <time-format>] [-t] [-u <temperature-unit>]
                [-y] [--energy] [-n] [-d] [-r] [-v] [-j]

Fetch battery information

  --vendor          display vendor
  -m, --model       display model
  --serial-number   display serial number
  -g, --technology  display technology
  --capacity        display capacity
  -b, --battery-number
                    specify battery number to display (first battery is 1)
  -a, --all         display all battery field values
  -c, --compact     print in compact mode
  -p, --percent-full
                    display percent full of charge
  -s, --state       display battery state (Charging, Discharging, or Full)
  -e, --time-to-empty
                    display time to empty
  -f, --time-to-full
                    display time to full
  -i, --time-format specifies the time format for display. Options are 'human'
                    for human-readable time and 'minutes' for time in minutes.
                    Default is 'human'.
  -t, --temperature display temperature
  -u, --temperature-unit
                    temperature unit (c for Celsius, f for Fahrenheit)
  -y, --cycle-count display cycle count
  --energy          display energy
  -n, --energy-full display energy full
  -d, --energy-full-design
                    display energy full design
  -r, --energy-rate display energy rate
  -v, --voltage     display voltage
  -j, --json        output in JSON format
  --help, help      display usage information


  • Display all battery info

    battinfo --all
    # This can also be accomplished by omitting all arguments


    Vendor             : LGC-LGC6.73
    Model              : DELL H754V79
    Serial Number      : 9001
    Technology         : LithiumPolymer
    Capacity           : 100.0%
    Percent Full       : 84.1%
    State              : Discharging
    Time to Empty      : 2h,30m,31s
    Time to Full       : N/A
    Temperature        : Unknown
    Cycle Count        : Unknown
    Energy             : 187197.1 Wh
    Energy Full        : 187197.1 Wh
    Energy Full Design : 187197.1 Wh
    Energy Rate        : 9.4 W
    Voltage            : 8.5 V
  • Display basic battery information in compact format:

    # long argument option
    battinfo --compact
    # short argument option
    battinfo -c


    Battery: 70.4% (⇣ discharging - empty in 6h,40m,38s)
  • Display detailed battery information on percent full, battery state, and time to empty:

    # short argument options
    battinfo -p -s -e
    # long argument options
    battinfo --percent-full --state --time-to-empty


    Percent Full  : 69.0%
    State         : Discharging
    Time to Empty : 3h,5m,7s
  • Output battery information in JSON format:

    battinfo -p -s -v --json


    {"percent_full":"70.1%","state":"Discharging","voltage":"7.9 V"}
  • Output all battery information in JSON format:

    battinfo --all --json


    {"capacity":"100.0%","cycle_count":"Unknown","energy":"186020.6 Wh","energy_full":"187197.1 Wh","energy_full_design":"187197.1 Wh","energy_rate":"7.4 W","model":"DELL H754V79","percent_full":"84.1%","serial_number":"9001","state":"Discharging","technology":"LithiumPolymer","temperature":"Unknown","time_to_empty":"2h,1m,25s","time_to_full":"N/A","vendor":"LGC-LGC6.73","voltage":"8.5 V"}

Building from Source

If you want to build battinfo from source, you'll need to have Rust and Cargo installed.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run cargo build.

The executable will be located in the target/debug directory.


~73K SLoC