#utilities #engine #barley #file-io

yanked barley-utils

Utilities for the Barley engine

0.2.0 May 25, 2023
0.1.0 May 23, 2023
0.0.1 May 17, 2023

#4 in #barley

44 downloads per month


751 lines


THIS CRATE IS DEPRECATED. All of its functionality is being moved into separate packages.

This crate provides various utilities for the barley workflow engine. It is not technically required for the engine to function, but it is highly recommended. It provides many useful actions for common tasks, such as HTTP fetching and file I/O.

barley-utils is not stable. It is available as a pre-release for testing purposes.

See the barley-interface crate for an example of how to use this crate.



This crate provides various utilities for the barley workflow engine. Most available utilities are behind feature flags. See each item's documentation for more information.


~209K SLoC