#curve #decryption #jubjub #multi-threaded #algorithm #scalar-field #package


A Rust crate implementing a multi-threaded version of the baby-step giant-step algorithm on the Baby Jubjub curve (it is the curve whose base field is the scalar field of alt-bn-128 aka bn254) to decrypt u40 integers. This is an accompanying crate for the Noir package noir-elgamal.

2 releases

0.1.1 Oct 31, 2023
0.1.0 Oct 24, 2023

#1889 in Algorithms

MIT license

136 lines


A Rust crate implementing a multi-threaded version of the baby-step giant-step algorithm on the Baby Jubjub curve (it is the curve whose base field is the scalar field of alt-bn-128 aka bn254) to decrypt u40 integers. This is an accompanying crate for the Noir package noir-elgamal.

Please refer to the accompanying npm package if you want to use a WASM version of this algorithm in a front-end.

⚠️ Warning: the current implementation is vulnerable to timing attacks, as the running time depends on the input. Please keep this in mind and exercise extra caution if you wish to use it in production.

How to use

First, decrypt a point in embedded form using the exp_elgamal_decrypt function from noir-elgamal.

For example, this circuit should output the plaintext value 42 embedded as a point on the Baby Jubjub curve:

use dep::elgamal::{priv_to_pub_key,exp_elgamal_encrypt,exp_elgamal_decrypt};
use dep::std;

fn main(){
  let plaintext = 42;
  let private_key = 0x04d73359c9166e49aafaf9a4852eaa4dceb2c26878196b10e9048004ff5cc20c;
  let pub_key = priv_to_pub_key(private_key);
  let randomness = 0x03f90f366f9fd55bb1335eac3b11f2190f2ce9ff1769db241edaa7774136099b;
  let encrypted_point = exp_elgamal_encrypt(pub_key, plaintext, randomness);
  let decrypted_point = exp_elgamal_decrypt(private_key, encrypted_point);

Indeed, running nargo execute should return the following point in a terminal:

Point { x: 0x06184da392a17823e9c1d38cb50980b17150ffa411965b03f0b0200d9557daa9, y: 0x244a710118db92636e46e3f97bd80093ba7026ff97ca32d387145337e250549c }

For the last step of decryption, i.e to recover the original plaintext (as an unsigned integer of size 40 bits) from the previous embedded form, you can import this crate in a Rust project by adding the following dependency in Cargo.toml :

babygiant-alt-bn128 = "0.1.1"

And then use the following code in src/main.rs:

use babygiant_alt_bn128::do_compute_dlog;

fn main() {
    let num_threads = 5;
    let dlog = do_compute_dlog("0x06184da392a17823e9c1d38cb50980b17150ffa411965b03f0b0200d9557daa9",
    assert!(42== dlog);

You can check that the baby-step giant-step algorithm is indeed able to recover the original plaintext value 42 by running :

cargo run --release

The Rust program should run successfully in less than 2 seconds on a modern computer.

Technical description

This crate is accompanying the Noir package at : https://github.com/jat9292/noir-elgamal/.

do_compute_dlog is the main function in this crate, it is supposed to be called as a last step during decryption, taking as input the value returned by the exp_elgamal_decrypt Noir function.

This code is heavily inspired by zkay and uses the arkworks crate as its main dependency.

Two main differences with respect to zkay :

1/ We replaced scalar multiplication inside the baby steps loop by point addition, this lead to a 7x speedup on average, as well as multithreading for another 2.5x improvement allowing to decrypt u40 instead of just u32 in less than 6 seconds (on a Mac M1 chip), this is why we replaced the max_bitwidth argument from 32 to 40 in the baby_giant call. Even in the browser (see the accompanying npm package), it is now practical to decrypt a u40 in less than 9s in the worst case (WASM overhead) when using a num_threads between 5 and 8.

2/ Another big difference is that the imported arkworks library uses the Edwards form instead of the Twisted Edwards form which is used in Noir for the Baby Jubjub curve, so we did a coordinate transform to encode points in the Twisted Edwards form instead of the Edwards form, for using the same format as the Noir implementation.

Here is the function signature :

pub fn do_compute_dlog(x: &str, y: &str, num_threads: u64) -> u64

This function will compute the Discrete Logarithm of a point on the Baby Jubjub curve, in Twisted Edwards form. The embedded plaintext should be a u40 (i.e an unsigned integer smaller than 1099511627775) or else the program will not find a valid discrete logarithm and panic.

x and y are strings representing coordinates of the embedded plaintext and should have the same format as the values returned by the exp_elgamal_decrypt in the noir-elgamal package, i.e x and y should be hexadecimal strings representing two bytes arrays of size 32 at most. Eg of valid inputs: x="0xbb77a6ad63e739b4eacb2e09d6277c12ab8d8010534e0b62893f3f6bb957051" and y="0x25797203f7a0b24925572e1cd16bf9edfce0051fb9e133774b3c257a872d7d8b". Keep also in mind that if (x,y) is not a valid point on the Baby Jubjub curve in Twisted Edwards form, the program will panic.

num_thread is the number of threads used for parallelizing the baby-step giant-step algorithm.


~119K SLoC