#azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #s3 #aws #azure-storage #access #break


Under very heavy development It will most likely break! Microsoft Azure SDK for Rust. Originally designed to stay as close as possible to aws-sdk-rust but design decision changed to make it Azure specific. An abstract library will be used to manage the differences between the two for those needing cross cloud access.

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.2 Mar 10, 2017
0.1.1 Mar 10, 2017

#18 in #azure-storage



Contains (WOFF font, 120KB) docs/Heuristica-Italic.woff, (WOFF font, 90KB) docs/FiraSans-Medium.woff, (WOFF font, 92KB) docs/FiraSans-Regular.woff, (WOFF font, 56KB) docs/SourceCodePro-Regular.woff, (WOFF font, 56KB) docs/SourceCodePro-Semibold.woff, (WOFF font, 49KB) docs/SourceSerifPro-Bold.woff and 1 more.

Microsoft Azure SDK for Rust


Microsoft Azure expose its technologies via REST API. These APIs are easily consumable from any language (good) but are weakly typed.


This project was heavily influenced by azure_sdk_for_rust crate but the code has not been updated in over a year.

Do not use at this time or until the next point release


You can find examples in the test section (not yet existent as far as Azure is concerned) and in the main.rs file. Here is a sample however:


extern crate azure_sdk_rust;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate mime;

use azure_sdk_for_rust::azure::core::lease::{LeaseState, LeaseStatus};
use azure_sdk_for_rust::azure::storage::client::Client;
use azure_sdk_for_rust::azure::storage::blob::{Blob, BlobType, PUT_OPTIONS_DEFAULT};
use azure_sdk_for_rust::azure::storage::container::{Container, PublicAccess, LIST_CONTAINER_OPTIONS_DEFAULT};

use chrono::UTC;

use mime::Mime;

fn main() {
  let azure_storage_account = &"azure_storage_account";
  let azure_storage_key= &"azure_storage_key";

  // create the client struct. The third argument, if false, forces to use
  // http instead of https. It's useful if you have trouble compiling
  // hyper with openSSL activated.
  let client = Client::new(azure_storage_account, azure_storage_key, false);

  // This call will list your containers.
  let containers = Container::list(&client, &LIST_CONTAINER_OPTIONS_DEFAULT).unwrap();
  println!("{:?}", containers);

  let container_name = "rust";
  // This call will create a new Azure Container called "wow"
  // with public blob access (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179468.aspx)
  // if it doesn't exist already.

  let cont = containers.iter().find(|x| x.name == container_name);
  if let None = cont {
  	Container::create(&client, container_name, PublicAccess::Blob).unwrap();

  // this code will upload a file to the container just created.
	use std::fs::metadata;
	use std::fs::File;

	let file_name: &'static str = "C:\\temp\\from_rust.txt";
	let container_name: &'static str = "wow";

	let metadata = metadata(file_name).unwrap();
	let mut file = File::open(file_name).unwrap();

	let new_blob = Blob {
		name: "from_rust.txt".to_owned(),
        container_name: container_name.to_owned(),
		snapshot_time: None,
		last_modified: UTC::now(),
		etag: "".to_owned(),
		content_length: metadata.len(),
		content_type: "application/octet-stream".parse::<Mime>().unwrap(),
		content_encoding: None,
		content_language: None,
		content_md5: None,
		cache_control: None,
		x_ms_blob_sequence_number: None,
		blob_type: BlobType::BlockBlob,
		lease_status: LeaseStatus::Unlocked,
		lease_state: LeaseState::Available,
		lease_duration: None,
		copy_id: None,
		copy_status: None,
		copy_source: None,
		copy_progress: None,
		copy_completion: None,
		copy_status_description: None,

		 Some((&mut file, metadata.len())))

  // This code will look for the "todelete" container and
  // remove from Azure.
  let mut to_delete = containers.iter_mut().find(|x| x.name == "todelete").unwrap();
  println!("{:?} deleted!", to_delete);

Storage Container

Lifted from azure_sdk_for_rust project:

Method URL
Create container https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179468.aspx
List containers https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179352.aspx
Delete container https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179408.aspx

Storage blobs

Method URL
List blobs https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd135734.aspx
Get blob https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179440.aspx
Put blob https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179451.aspx
Put blob page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179451.aspx
Clear blob page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179451.aspx
Put block https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd135726.aspx
Lease blob https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/ee691972.aspx

Event Hubs

Method URL
Send Event https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn790664.aspx


This project is published under Apache license, version 2.0.


~219K SLoC