aws-sdk-bedrockruntime is used at run time in 19 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates.

Number of dependers aws-sdk-bedrockruntime version Downloads/month
18 1.77.0 72K
1 0.4.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) aws-sdk-bedrockruntime version
5.0K 5 lancedb optional ^1.27.0
2.5K 1 swiftide-integrations optional ^1.77
600 1 allms ^1.40.0
400 2 langdb_core ^1.64.0
340 bedrust ^1.77.0
190 codeplz ^1.46.0
isotope ^0.4.0
mcp-commune ^1.69.0
anchor-chain ^1.19.0
1 hiramu ^1.19.0
bedrock_assistant ^1.42.0
itsuki_bedrock_assistant ^1.42.0
stone-mason ^1.1.0
2 chronicle-proxy optional ^1.38.0