#impl-block #generics #impl #type #traits

macro autogen

Autogen is a set of macros that allows you to automatically apply generics to impl blocks

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#258 in Procedural macros

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MIT license

289 lines


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Tired of repeating all the generics in every impl block?

Autogen is a set of macros that allows you to automatically apply generics to impl blocks.

  • the #[register] macro registers the generics of a struct or enum, including lifetimes and the where clause.
  • the #[apply] macro applies the generics to an impl block.
struct Struct<'a, T, R: ?Sized>
    T: PartialEq,
    x: T,
    y: &'a R,

impl Struct {}

This will expand to:

impl<'a, T, R: ?Sized> Struct<'a, T, R> where T: PartialEq {}

Apart from the type itself, the generics can also be applied to:

  • arrays of the given type
  • slices of the given type
  • references of the given type
  • pointers of the given type
  • tuples containing the given type
  • other types containing the given type as a generic argument
  • a combination of all of the above

The only restriction is that the impl block cannot contain different registered types.

struct Struct<'a, T, R: ?Sized>
    T: PartialEq,
    x: T,
    y: &'a R,

impl Struct {
    fn x_equals(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
        &self.x == other
    fn y(&self) -> &'a R {

trait Trait {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str;

impl Trait for Struct {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {

impl Trait for [Struct; 2] {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {
        "array of size 2"

impl Trait for [Struct] {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {

impl Trait for &Struct {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {

impl Trait for *const Struct {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {

impl Trait for (Struct, &'static str, Struct) {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {

impl Trait for Result<Struct, String> {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {
        "generic argument"

impl Trait for [([Option<&Struct>; 1], Struct, String)] {
    fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {
        "crazy ****"

let struct1 = Struct { x: 1, y: "abc" };
assert_eq!(struct1.y(), "abc");

assert_eq!(struct1.type_of(), "regular");
assert_eq!((&&struct1).type_of(), "reference");

let pointer = &struct1 as *const Struct<'_, i32, str>;
assert_eq!(pointer.type_of(), "pointer");

let struct2 = Struct { x: 2, y: "xyz" };
assert_eq!(struct2.y(), "xyz");

let tuple = (struct1, "string", struct2);
assert_eq!(tuple.type_of(), "tuple");

let array = [tuple.0, tuple.2];
assert_eq!(array.type_of(), "array of size 2");
assert_eq!(array[..].type_of(), "slice");

let struct3 = Struct { x: -1, y: "b" };
let result: Result<_, String> = Ok(struct3);
assert_eq!(result.type_of(), "generic argument");

let struct3 = result.unwrap();
let struct4 = Struct { x: -2, y: "s" };
let crazy = [([Some(&struct3)], struct4, "****".to_string())];
assert_eq!(crazy[..].type_of(), "crazy ****");

By default, the generics are registered with the struct/enum name, but you can provide a custom identifier. This can be useful if a type with the same name is already registered in another module.

This will not compile because Name is already registered.

struct Name<T: PartialEq> {
    t: T,

mod sub {
    pub struct Name<S: FromStr> {
        s: S,

To resolve this, you must provide a custom identifier.

struct Name<T: PartialEq> {
    t: T,

impl Name {
    fn t(&self) -> &T {

mod sub {
    use std::str::FromStr;

    pub struct Name<S: FromStr> {
        s: S,

    impl Name {
        pub fn parse(string: &str) -> Result<Self, S::Err> {
            Ok(Name { s: string.parse()? })
        pub fn s(&self) -> &S {

let s1 = Name { t: 64 };
assert_eq!(s1.t(), &64);

let s2 = sub::Name::<u32>::parse("123").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s2.s(), &123);


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