1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha.0 Mar 3, 2023

#1 in #open-policy-agent




A framework for easily integrating authorization into backend services. The design philosophy of authzen was heavily influenced by hexagonal architecture and aims to provide authorization primitives with the support for many different "backends".

Motivation and Objectives

Policy based authorization is great but can be really complex to integrate into an application. This project exists to help remove a lot of the up front cost that's required to get authorization working in backend rust services. The goals of this project include:

  • annotation of object metadata (i.e. what's this object's type and originating service) which will be used by authorization engines
  • easy authorization enforcement (should be able to query with a single method whether a requestor is able to perform an action against some objects, e.g. can this requestor create these objects)
  • integration with different authorization engines like:
  • integration with different storage backends so that actions can be authorized and then, if allowed, performed as atomic operations; examples of storage backends include
    • custom api clients
    • databases using interfaces like:


Authzen provides primitives for combining the enforcement of authorization policies and the actions those policies govern. For example, in an endpoint which creates a Foo for a user but needs to be certain the user is authorized to create the Foo provided, using authzen this would look something like

#[derive(Clone, Debug, diesel::Insertable, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[diesel(table_name = foo)] // `foo` is an in-scope struct produced by the diesel::table macro somewhere
pub struct DbFoo {
    pub id: uuid::Uuid,
    pub bar: String,
    pub baz: Option<String>,

#[derive(authzen::AuthzObject, Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[authzen(service = "my_backend_service_name", ty = "foo")]
pub struct Foo<'a>(pub std::borrow::Cow<'a, DbFoo>);

pub async fn create_foo<D: authzen::storage_backends::diesel::connection::Db>(ctx: Ctx<'_, D>, foos: Vec<Foo>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    use authzen::actions::TryCreate;

    let db_foos = Foo::try_create(ctx, foos).await?;

    // ...


The method try_create combines both the authorization enforcement with the actual creation of the Foo. If you need to authorize the action separately from the performance of the action, which can happens often, you can instead call

pub async fn create_foo<D: authzen::storage_backends::diesel::connection::Db>(ctx: Ctx<'_, D>, foos: Vec<Foo>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    use authzen::actions::TryCreate;
    use authzen::storage_backends::diesel::operations::DbInsert;

    Foo::can_create(ctx, &foos).await?;
    // ...
    let db_foos = DbFoo::insert(ctx, foos).await?; // note, DbFoo automatically implements the trait DbInsert, giving it the method `DbInsert::insert`
    // ...

There is a working example in the examples directory which uses postgres as a database, diesel as its rust-sql interface (aka its storage client), Open Policy Agent as its policy decision point (in authzen, this is referred to as a decision maker), and the Mongodb container as its transaction cache.

It's highly recommended to give this a look to get an idea of what authzen can do and how to use it.

Components of authzen

The main components of the authzen framework are:

Each component is discussed in its own section.

Authorization Primitives

authzen provides the following core abstractions to be used when describing a policy and its components

  • ActionType: denote the type of an action, will be used to identify the action in decision makers
  • ObjectType: denote the type and originating service of an object, will be used to identify the object in decision makers
  • Event: collection of all identifying information which will be used as input for an authorization decision; it is generic over the following parameters
    • Subject: who is performing the action; can be any type
    • Action: what the action is; must implement ActionType
    • Object:
      • the object being acted upon; must implement ObjectType, which should typically be derived using AuthzObject
      • see here for an example usage
      • note that this parameter only represents the information about the object which can be derived from ObjectType, i.e. object type and object service
    • Input:
      • the actual data representing the object being acted upon, this can take many different forms and is dependent on which storage backend(s) this object lives in
      • for example, if trying to create a Foo, an expected input could be a vec of Foos which the decision maker can then use to determine if they the action is acceptable or not
      • as another example, if trying to read a Foo, an expected could be a vec of Foo ids
    • Context: any additional information which may be needed by the decision maker to make an unambiguous decision; typically the type of the Context provided should be the same across all events since the policy enforcer (the server/application) shouldn't need to know what context a specific action requires, that is up to the decision maker
  • AuthzObject:
    • derive macro used to implement ObjectType for a wrapper struct which should contain a representation of the object which can be persisted to a specific storage backend
    • for example, if you have a struct DbFoo which can be persisted to a database, then AuthzObject should be derived on some other struct pub struct Foo<'a>(pub Cow<'a, DbFoo>);. The use of a newtype with Cow is actually necessary to derive AuthzObject (the compiler will let you know if you forget), because there are certain cases where we want to construct an ObjectType with a reference and not an owned value
  • ActionError: an error type encapsulating the different ways an action authorization+performance can fail
  • Try* traits:
    • this is a class of traits which are automatically derived for valid ObjectType types (see the section on StorageAction for more details)
    • * here can be replaced with the name of an action, for example TryCreate, TryDelete, TryRead, and TryUpdate
    • each Try* trait contains two methods: can_* and try_*, the former only authorizes an action, while the latter both authorizes and then, if allowed, performs an action
      • these two methods are the primary export of authzen, meaning that they are the points of authorization enforcement and provide considerable value and code
    • the Try* traits are generated using the action macro
  • action: given an action name (and optionally an action type string if one wants to explicitly set it), will produce:
    • a type which implements ActionType; it is generic over the object type it is acting upon
    • the Try* traits mentioned above and implementations of them for any type O implementing ObjectType for which the action implements StorageAction<O>

Storage Clients

A storage client is an abstraction representing the place where objects which require authorization to act upon are stored. A storage action is a representation of an ActionType in the context of a specific storage client. For example, the create action has an implementation as a storage action for any type which implements DbInsert -- its storage client is an async diesel connection. Essentially storage actions are a way to abstract over the actual performance of an action using a storage client.

Why do these abstractions exist? Because then we can call methods like try_create for an object rather than having to call can_create and then perform the subsequent action after it has been authorized. Wrapping the authorization and performance of an action is particularly useful when the storage backend where the objects are stored is transactional in nature, see the section on transaction caches for why that is the case.

Decision Makers

Transaction Caches

Transaction caches are transient json blob storages (i.e. every object inserted only lives for a short bit before being removed) which contain objects which have been mutated in the course of a transaction (only objects which we are concerned with authorizing). They are essential in ensuring that an authorization engine has accurate information in the case where it would not be able to view data which is specific to an ongoing transaction.

For example, say we have the following architecture:

  • a backend api using authzen for authorization enforcement
  • a postgres database
  • OPA as the authorization engine
  • a policy information point which is essentially another api which OPA talks to in order to retrieve information about objects it is trying to make policy decisions on
  • a transaction cache

Then let's look at the following operations taking place in the backend api wrapped in a database transaction:

  1. Authorize then create an object Foo { id: "1", approved: true }.
  2. Authorize then create two child objects [Bar { id: "1", foo_id: "1" }, Bar { id: "1", foo_id: "2" }].

Say our policies living in OPA look something like this:

import future.keywords.every

allow {
  input.action == "create"
  input.object.type == "foo"

allow {
  input.action == "create"
  input.object.type == "bar"
  every post in input.input {

allow_create_bar[id] {
  post := input.input[_]
  id := post.id

  # retrieve the Foos these Bars belong to
  foos := http.send({
    "headers": {
		  "accept": "application/json",
		  "content-type": "application/json",
		  "x-transaction-id": input.transaction_id,
		"method": "POST",
		"url": "http://localhost:9191", # policy information point url
		"body": {
      "service": "my_service",
      "type": "foo",
      "ids": {id | id := input.input[_].foo_id},

  # policy will automatically fail if the parent foo does not exist
  foo := foos[post.foo_id]

  foo.approved == true

Without a transaction cache to store transaction specific changes, the policy information point would have no clue that Foo { id: "1" } exists in the database and therefore this whole operation would fail. If we integrate the transaction cache into our policy information point to pull objects matching the given query (in this case, {"service":"my_service","type":"foo","ids":["1"]}) from both the database and the transaction cache, then the correct information will be returned for Foo with id 1 and the policy will correctly return that the action is acceptable.

Integration of a transaction cache into a policy information point is very straightforward using authzen, see section on policy information points.

Policy Information Points

A policy information point is a common component of many authorization schemes, it basically returns information about objects required for the authorization engine to make unambiguous decisisons. Realizing that you need to implement one of these can make you feel like it's all gone too far, maybe I should just go back to simple RBAC. Authzen makes it really simple to implement one however! More documentation for this section will come soon, but check out the example of implementing one in the examples.


~692K SLoC