#atomic #float #floating-point #atomicf32

no-std atomic_float

Floating point types which can be safely shared between threads

2 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 May 4, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 14, 2020

#35 in Concurrency

Download history 12983/week @ 2024-03-30 11947/week @ 2024-04-06 13416/week @ 2024-04-13 15909/week @ 2024-04-20 13635/week @ 2024-04-27 13795/week @ 2024-05-04 16273/week @ 2024-05-11 13431/week @ 2024-05-18 12719/week @ 2024-05-25 14171/week @ 2024-06-01 15474/week @ 2024-06-08 15278/week @ 2024-06-15 15045/week @ 2024-06-22 10690/week @ 2024-06-29 12996/week @ 2024-07-06 10409/week @ 2024-07-13

52,166 downloads per month
Used in 303 crates (19 directly)

Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense

394 lines


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This crate provides AtomicF32 and AtomicF64 types that behave almost identically to the integer atomics in the stdlib.


use atomic_float::AtomicF32;
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;

static A_STATIC: AtomicF32 = AtomicF32::new(800.0);

// Should support the full std::sync::atomic::AtomicFoo API
A_STATIC.fetch_add(30.0, Relaxed);
A_STATIC.fetch_sub(-55.0, Relaxed);
// But also supports things that can be implemented
// efficiently easily, like sign-bit operations.

assert_eq!(A_STATIC.load(Relaxed), -885.0);


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