Cargo Features

async-graphql = { version = "7.0.15", default-features = false, features = ["apollo_persisted_queries", "apollo_tracing", "email-validator", "cbor", "chrono-duration", "dataloader", "decimal", "password-strength-validator", "string_number", "tokio-sync", "tracing", "unblock", "dynamic-schema", "graphiql", "altair", "playground", "raw_value", "uuid-validator", "boxed-trait", "custom-error-conversion", "bson", "chrono-tz", "hashbrown", "log", "opentelemetry", "bigdecimal", "secrecy", "smol_str", "time", "url", "tempfile"] }
default = email-validator, graphiql, playground, tempfile

These default features are set whenever async-graphql is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

apollo_persisted_queries = lru, sha2

Affects extensions::apollo_persisted_queries

apollo_tracing = chrono
email-validator default = fast_chemail
cbor = serde_cbor

Affects http::receive_cbor, http::receive_batch_cbor

chrono-duration = chrono, iso8601
dataloader = futures-channel, lru

Affects async-graphql::dataloader

decimal = rust_decimal
password-strength-validator = zxcvbn
tokio-sync = tokio
tracing = tracing-futures, tracinglib
unblock = blocking

Affects async-graphql::dynamic

graphiql default = handlebars
altair = handlebars, schemars
playground default

Enables raw_value of async-graphql-value

uuid-validator = uuid

Enables boxed-trait of async-graphql-derive

Affects base::OutputType.resolve, base::ComplexObject.resolve_field, dataloader::Loader.load, executor::Executor.execute, executor::Executor.execute_batch, guard::Guard.check, container::ContainerType.resolve_field, container::ContainerType.find_entity


Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

bson implicit feature

Enables bson

Feature optional dependencies

chrono apollo_tracing? chrono-duration?
chrono-tz implicit feature

Enables chrono-tz


TimeZone implementations for chrono from the IANA database

fast_chemail email-validator
hashbrown implicit feature

Enables hashbrown ^0.14.5


A Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map

iso8601 chrono-duration?
log implicit feature

Enables log


A lightweight logging facade for Rust

opentelemetry implicit feature

Enables opentelemetry ^0.27.0


OpenTelemetry API for Rust

rust_decimal decimal?
bigdecimal implicit feature

Enables bigdecimal


Arbitrary precision decimal numbers

secrecy implicit feature
smol_str implicit feature

Enables smol_str


small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone

time implicit feature
tokio tokio-sync?
tracing-futures tracing?
tracinglib tracing?

Enables tracing

url implicit feature

Enables url


URL library for Rust, based on the WHATWG URL Standard

uuid uuid-validator?
tempfile default

Affects upload::UploadValue.content

blocking unblock?

Enables blocking

Non-feature optional dependencies

futures-channel dataloader?
lru apollo_persisted_queries? dataloader?

Enables lru ^0.12.3

serde_cbor cbor?
sha2 apollo_persisted_queries?
zxcvbn password-strength-validator?

Enables zxcvbn ^2.2.2

handlebars altair? graphiql

Enables handlebars ^5.1.2

schemars altair?