Cargo Features

assembly-pack = { version = "0.5.2", default-features = false, features = ["log", "common-parser", "sd0", "pk", "pki", "pki-gen-txt", "async", "manifest", "md5sum"] }
default = log

The log feature is set by default whenever assembly-pack is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

log default

Enables log

common-parser pk? pki?

Enables nom

Affects common::parser

sd0 pk?

Enables adler32 and flate2

Affects assembly-pack::sd0

pk = common-parser, sd0

Enables nom

Affects assembly-pack::pk

pki pki-gen-txt? = common-parser

Enables nom

Affects assembly-pack::pki

pki-gen-txt = pki

Affects txt::gen


Enables futures-util

Affects manifest::load_manifest


Enables nom and nom-supreme ^0.6

Affects txt::manifest


Enables md5

Affects md5::io