2 releases
0.1.1 | Sep 26, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Mar 31, 2021 |
#1271 in Web programming
Rust API client for asana
This is the interface for interacting with the Asana Platform. Our API reference is generated from our [OpenAPI spec] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Asana/developer-docs/master/defs/asana_oas.yaml).
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 0.1.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://asana.com/support
Put the package under your project folder and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
openapi = { path = "./generated" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://app.asana.com/api/1.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AttachmentsApi | create_attachment_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/attachments | Upload an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | delete_attachment | delete /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Delete an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | get /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Get an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachments_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/attachments | Get attachments for a task |
BatchAPIApi | create_batch_request | post /batch | Submit parallel requests |
CustomFieldSettingsApi | get_custom_field_settings_for_portfolio | get /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a portfolio's custom fields |
CustomFieldSettingsApi | get_custom_field_settings_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a project's custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | create_custom_field | post /custom_fields | Create a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | create_enum_option_for_custom_field | post /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options | Create an enum option |
CustomFieldsApi | delete_custom_field | delete /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Delete a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | get_custom_field | get /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Get a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | get_custom_fields_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/custom_fields | Get a workspace's custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | insert_enum_option_for_custom_field | post /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options/insert | Reorder a custom field's enum |
CustomFieldsApi | update_custom_field | put /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Update a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | update_enum_option | put /enum_options/{enum_option_gid} | Update an enum option |
EventsApi | get_events | get /events | Get events on a resource |
JobsApi | get_job | get /jobs/{job_gid} | Get a job by id |
OrganizationExportsApi | create_organization_export | post /organization_exports | Create an organization export request |
OrganizationExportsApi | get_organization_export | get /organization_exports/{organization_export_gid} | Get details on an org export request |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_membership | get /portfolio_memberships/{portfolio_membership_gid} | Get a portfolio membership |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_memberships | get /portfolio_memberships | Get multiple portfolio memberships |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_memberships_for_portfolio | get /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/portfolio_memberships | Get memberships from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | add_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | add_item_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addItem | Add a portfolio item |
PortfoliosApi | add_members_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | create_portfolio | post /portfolios | Create a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | delete_portfolio | delete /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Delete a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | get_items_for_portfolio | get /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/items | Get portfolio items |
PortfoliosApi | get_portfolio | get /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Get a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | get_portfolios | get /portfolios | Get multiple portfolios |
PortfoliosApi | remove_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | remove_item_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeItem | Remove a portfolio item |
PortfoliosApi | remove_members_for_portfolio | post /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | update_portfolio | put /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Update a portfolio |
ProjectMembershipsApi | get_project_membership | get /project_memberships/{project_membership_gid} | Get a project membership |
ProjectMembershipsApi | get_project_memberships_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/project_memberships | Get memberships from a project |
ProjectStatusesApi | create_project_status_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Create a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | delete_project_status | delete /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Delete a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | get_project_status | get /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Get a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | get_project_statuses_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Get statuses from a project |
ProjectsApi | add_custom_field_setting_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a project |
ProjectsApi | add_followers_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a project |
ProjectsApi | add_members_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a project |
ProjectsApi | create_project | post /projects | Create a project |
ProjectsApi | create_project_for_team | post /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Create a project in a team |
ProjectsApi | create_project_for_workspace | post /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Create a project in a workspace |
ProjectsApi | delete_project | delete /projects/{project_gid} | Delete a project |
ProjectsApi | duplicate_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a project |
ProjectsApi | get_project | get /projects/{project_gid} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | get_projects | get /projects | Get multiple projects |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/projects | Get projects a task is in |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_team | get /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Get a team's projects |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Get all projects in a workspace |
ProjectsApi | get_task_counts_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/task_counts | Get task count of a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_custom_field_setting_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_followers_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_members_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a project |
ProjectsApi | update_project | put /projects/{project_gid} | Update a project |
SectionsApi | add_task_for_section | post /sections/{section_gid}/addTask | Add task to section |
SectionsApi | create_section_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Create a section in a project |
SectionsApi | delete_section | delete /sections/{section_gid} | Delete a section |
SectionsApi | get_section | get /sections/{section_gid} | Get a section |
SectionsApi | get_sections_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Get sections in a project |
SectionsApi | insert_section_for_project | post /projects/{project_gid}/sections/insert | Move or Insert sections |
SectionsApi | update_section | put /sections/{section_gid} | Update a section |
StoriesApi | create_story_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Create a story on a task |
StoriesApi | delete_story | delete /stories/{story_gid} | Delete a story |
StoriesApi | get_stories_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Get stories from a task |
StoriesApi | get_story | get /stories/{story_gid} | Get a story |
StoriesApi | update_story | put /stories/{story_gid} | Update a story |
TagsApi | create_tag | post /tags | Create a tag |
TagsApi | create_tag_for_workspace | post /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Create a tag in a workspace |
TagsApi | delete_tag | delete /tags/{tag_gid} | Delete a tag |
TagsApi | get_tag | get /tags/{tag_gid} | Get a tag |
TagsApi | get_tags | get /tags | Get multiple tags |
TagsApi | get_tags_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/tags | Get a task's tags |
TagsApi | get_tags_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Get tags in a workspace |
TagsApi | update_tag | put /tags/{tag_gid} | Update a tag |
TasksApi | add_dependencies_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies | Set dependencies for a task |
TasksApi | add_dependents_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents | Set dependents for a task |
TasksApi | add_followers_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a task |
TasksApi | add_project_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject | Add a project to a task |
TasksApi | add_tag_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag | Add a tag to a task |
TasksApi | create_subtask_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Create a subtask |
TasksApi | create_task | post /tasks | Create a task |
TasksApi | delete_task | delete /tasks/{task_gid} | Delete a task |
TasksApi | duplicate_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a task |
TasksApi | get_dependencies_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies | Get dependencies from a task |
TasksApi | get_dependents_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents | Get dependents from a task |
TasksApi | get_subtasks_for_task | get /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Get subtasks from a task |
TasksApi | get_task | get /tasks/{task_gid} | Get a task |
TasksApi | get_tasks | get /tasks | Get multiple tasks |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_project | get /projects/{project_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a project |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_section | get /sections/{section_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a section |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_tag | get /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a tag |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_user_task_list | get /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a user task list |
TasksApi | remove_dependencies_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies | Unlink dependencies from a task |
TasksApi | remove_dependents_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents | Unlink dependents from a task |
TasksApi | remove_follower_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a task |
TasksApi | remove_project_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject | Remove a project from a task |
TasksApi | remove_tag_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag | Remove a tag from a task |
TasksApi | search_tasks_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search | Search tasks in a workspace |
TasksApi | set_parent_for_task | post /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent | Set the parent of a task |
TasksApi | update_task | put /tasks/{task_gid} | Update a task |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_membership | get /team_memberships/{team_membership_gid} | Get a team membership |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships | get /team_memberships | Get team memberships |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships_for_team | get /teams/{team_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a team |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships_for_user | get /users/{user_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a user |
TeamsApi | add_user_for_team | post /teams/{team_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a team |
TeamsApi | create_team | post /teams | Create a team |
TeamsApi | get_team | get /teams/{team_gid} | Get a team |
TeamsApi | get_teams_for_organization | get /organizations/{workspace_gid}/teams | Get teams in an organization |
TeamsApi | get_teams_for_user | get /users/{user_gid}/teams | Get teams for a user |
TeamsApi | remove_user_for_team | post /teams/{team_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a team |
TypeaheadApi | typeahead_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/typeahead | Get objects via typeahead |
UserTaskListsApi | get_user_task_list | get /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid} | Get a user task list |
UserTaskListsApi | get_user_task_list_for_user | get /users/{user_gid}/user_task_list | Get a user's task list |
UsersApi | get_favorites_for_user | get /users/{user_gid}/favorites | Get a user's favorites |
UsersApi | get_user | get /users/{user_gid} | Get a user |
UsersApi | get_users | get /users | Get multiple users |
UsersApi | get_users_for_team | get /teams/{team_gid}/users | Get users in a team |
UsersApi | get_users_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/users | Get users in a workspace or organization |
WebhooksApi | create_webhook | post /webhooks | Establish a webhook |
WebhooksApi | delete_webhook | delete /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Delete a webhook |
WebhooksApi | get_webhook | get /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Get a webhook |
WebhooksApi | get_webhooks | get /webhooks | Get multiple webhooks |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_membership | get /workspace_memberships/{workspace_membership_gid} | Get a workspace membership |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_memberships_for_user | get /users/{user_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get workspace memberships for a user |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_memberships_for_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get the workspace memberships for a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | add_user_for_workspace | post /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a workspace or organization |
WorkspacesApi | get_workspace | get /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Get a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | get_workspaces | get /workspaces | Get multiple workspaces |
WorkspacesApi | remove_user_for_workspace | post /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a workspace or organization |
WorkspacesApi | update_workspace | put /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Update a workspace |
Documentation For Models
- AddCustomFieldSettingRequest
- AddFollowersRequest
- AddMembersRequest
- AsanaNamedResource
- AsanaNamedResourceAllOf
- AsanaResource
- AttachmentCompact
- AttachmentCompactAllOf
- AttachmentResponse
- AttachmentResponseAllOf
- BatchRequest
- BatchRequestAction
- BatchRequestActionOptions
- BatchResponse
- CustomFieldBase
- CustomFieldBaseAllOf
- CustomFieldCompact
- CustomFieldCompactAllOf
- CustomFieldRequest
- CustomFieldRequestAllOf
- CustomFieldResponse
- CustomFieldResponseAllOf
- CustomFieldSettingCompact
- CustomFieldSettingResponse
- CustomFieldSettingResponseAllOf
- EnumOption
- EnumOptionAllOf
- EnumOptionInsertRequest
- EnumOptionRequest
- EnumOptionRequestAllOf
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- EventResponse
- EventResponseChange
- InlineObject
- InlineObject1
- InlineObject10
- InlineObject11
- InlineObject12
- InlineObject13
- InlineObject14
- InlineObject15
- InlineObject16
- InlineObject17
- InlineObject18
- InlineObject19
- InlineObject2
- InlineObject20
- InlineObject21
- InlineObject22
- InlineObject23
- InlineObject24
- InlineObject25
- InlineObject26
- InlineObject27
- InlineObject28
- InlineObject29
- InlineObject3
- InlineObject30
- InlineObject31
- InlineObject32
- InlineObject33
- InlineObject34
- InlineObject35
- InlineObject36
- InlineObject37
- InlineObject38
- InlineObject39
- InlineObject4
- InlineObject40
- InlineObject41
- InlineObject42
- InlineObject43
- InlineObject44
- InlineObject45
- InlineObject46
- InlineObject47
- InlineObject48
- InlineObject49
- InlineObject5
- InlineObject50
- InlineObject51
- InlineObject52
- InlineObject53
- InlineObject54
- InlineObject55
- InlineObject56
- InlineObject6
- InlineObject7
- InlineObject8
- InlineObject9
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse20010
- InlineResponse20011
- InlineResponse20012
- InlineResponse20013
- InlineResponse20014
- InlineResponse20015
- InlineResponse20016
- InlineResponse20017
- InlineResponse20018
- InlineResponse20019
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse20020
- InlineResponse20021
- InlineResponse20022
- InlineResponse20023
- InlineResponse20024
- InlineResponse20025
- InlineResponse20026
- InlineResponse20027
- InlineResponse20028
- InlineResponse20029
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse20030
- InlineResponse20031
- InlineResponse20032
- InlineResponse20033
- InlineResponse20034
- InlineResponse20035
- InlineResponse20036
- InlineResponse20037
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse2006
- InlineResponse2007
- InlineResponse2008
- InlineResponse2009
- InlineResponse201
- InlineResponse2011
- InlineResponse2012
- InlineResponse2013
- InlineResponse2014
- InlineResponse2015
- InlineResponse2016
- InlineResponse2017
- InlineResponse2018
- JobCompact
- JobCompactAllOf
- Like
- ModifyDependenciesRequest
- ModifyDependentsRequest
- OrganizationExportCompact
- OrganizationExportCompactAllOf
- OrganizationExportRequest
- PortfolioAddItemRequest
- PortfolioBase
- PortfolioBaseAllOf
- PortfolioCompact
- PortfolioCompactAllOf
- PortfolioMembershipCompact
- PortfolioMembershipCompactAllOf
- PortfolioRemoveItemRequest
- PortfolioRequest
- PortfolioRequestAllOf
- PortfolioResponse
- PortfolioResponseAllOf
- Preview
- ProjectBase
- ProjectBaseAllOf
- ProjectCompact
- ProjectCompactAllOf
- ProjectDuplicateRequest
- ProjectDuplicateRequestScheduleDates
- ProjectMembershipCompact
- ProjectMembershipCompactAllOf
- ProjectMembershipResponse
- ProjectMembershipResponseAllOf
- ProjectRequest
- ProjectRequestAllOf
- ProjectResponse
- ProjectResponseAllOf
- ProjectSectionInsertRequest
- ProjectStatusBase
- ProjectStatusBaseAllOf
- ProjectStatusCompact
- ProjectStatusCompactAllOf
- ProjectStatusResponse
- ProjectStatusResponseAllOf
- RemoveCustomFieldSettingRequest
- RemoveFollowersRequest
- RemoveMembersRequest
- SectionCompact
- SectionCompactAllOf
- SectionRequest
- SectionResponse
- SectionResponseAllOf
- SectionTaskInsertRequest
- StoryBase
- StoryBaseAllOf
- StoryCompact
- StoryCompactAllOf
- StoryResponse
- StoryResponseAllOf
- StoryResponseDates
- TagBase
- TagBaseAllOf
- TagCompact
- TagCompactAllOf
- TagRequest
- TagRequestAllOf
- TagResponse
- TagResponseAllOf
- TaskAddFollowersRequest
- TaskAddProjectRequest
- TaskAddTagRequest
- TaskBase
- TaskBaseAllOf
- TaskBaseAllOfExternal
- TaskBaseAllOfMemberships
- TaskCompact
- TaskCompactAllOf
- TaskCountResponse
- TaskDuplicateRequest
- TaskRemoveFollowersRequest
- TaskRemoveProjectRequest
- TaskRemoveTagRequest
- TaskRequest
- TaskRequestAllOf
- TaskResponse
- TaskResponseAllOf
- TaskSetParentRequest
- TeamAddUserRequest
- TeamCompact
- TeamCompactAllOf
- TeamMembershipCompact
- TeamMembershipCompactAllOf
- TeamRemoveUserRequest
- TeamRequest
- TeamRequestAllOf
- TeamResponse
- TeamResponseAllOf
- UserCompact
- UserCompactAllOf
- UserResponse
- UserResponseAllOf
- UserResponseAllOfPhoto
- UserTaskListCompact
- UserTaskListCompactAllOf
- WebhookCompact
- WebhookCompactAllOf
- WebhookFilter
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookResponse
- WebhookResponseAllOf
- WorkspaceAddUserRequest
- WorkspaceCompact
- WorkspaceCompactAllOf
- WorkspaceMembershipCompact
- WorkspaceMembershipCompactAllOf
- WorkspaceMembershipResponse
- WorkspaceMembershipResponseAllOf
- WorkspaceRemoveUserRequest
- WorkspaceResponse
- WorkspaceResponseAllOf
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
~258K SLoC